lying partner

10 Things a Lying Partner Does (Without Realizing It)

In any relationship, honesty and trust are crucial to building a strong, lasting bond that a lying partner can quickly destroy. This is because lying can often undermine these fundamental pillars, leading to relationship breakdowns and betrayals of trust. A liar can cause a range of negative emotions, including rage, resentment, and depression. Over time, lying can erode the trust between partners, leading to feelings of betrayal and uncertainty about the relationship’s future.

Unfortunately, sometimes a lying partner may not even realize they are engaging in dishonest behavior. Lying can manifest in many ways, from small white lies to more significant deceptions, and it’s not always easy to spot. By understanding the behaviors commonly associated with lying, partners can become more aware of potential dishonesty in their relationships.

This article will explore ten behaviors a lying partner may exhibit without realizing it. By becoming more aware of these behaviors, you can take steps to protect your relationships from the corrosive effects of a  liar. Navigating dishonesty in partnerships can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience. To help you identify the telltale signs of a lying partner, we’ve compiled a list of ten behaviors to look out for.

1. A Lying Partner Uses Avoidance and Deflection

lying partner

Avoidance and deflection are commonly used by individuals trying to hide something or cover up a lie. When a partner engages in deception, they may feel uncomfortable or anxious when specific topics arise. As a result, they may try to change the subject, avoid direct questions, or provide vague or evasive answers. They may even steer the conversation away from uncomfortable topics. When avoidance and deflection become a pattern of behavior, it can be a sign that something more serious is going on.

If you suspect your partner is avoiding or deflecting conversations, addressing the issue head-on is essential. Encourage open and honest communication and create a safe space where your partner feels comfortable discussing complex topics. By addressing potential deception early on, you can work towards building a stronger, more honest relationship with your partner.

2. A Lying Partner Has Inconsistent Storytelling

When partners try to cover up a lie, they may struggle to keep their details straight or remember previous statements. As a result, they may tell inconsistent stories or give conflicting information. Inconsistent storytelling can manifest as frequent changes in the narrative of events or discrepancies in details. If you notice that your partner struggles to keep their story straight, this could be a red flag.

Inconsistencies in storytelling can also erode the trust and credibility between partners. If you cannot rely on your partner to tell the truth, building a strong and healthy relationship can be challenging. Addressing these inconsistencies and having an open and honest conversation with your partner about their behavior is essential. By doing so, you can work towards rebuilding trust and establishing a more honest and transparent relationship moving forward.

3. A Liar Uses Excessive Detail or Over-Explanation

Another behavior that can indicate a lying partner is excessive detail or over-explanation. When a partner lies, they may justify their actions excessively or provide unnecessary elaboration. However, this behavior can create a sense of distrust or suspicion. Partners may wonder why their partner feels the need to over-explain or justify their actions. Lying partners may also attempt to persuade or convince their partners rather than simply providing information. This can be a red flag that they are trying to manipulate the situation to their advantage.

They may be simply being thorough, but excessive detail can signify that they are trying to cover up a lie or manipulate the situation. You can work towards rebuilding trust by openly communicating your concerns with each other.

4. A Liar Engages in Hiding or Concealing Information

Lying partners may omit details or facts, hide evidence or physical proof, or actively work to keep certain information hidden. Omission is a particularly insidious form of lying, as it involves intentionally withholding information that could be important to the relationship. This can create a sense of anxiety or mistrust in the partner being kept in the dark. They may feel that their partner is not being fully honest with them.

Lying partners may also hide evidence or physical proof of their behavior to avoid getting caught in a lie. For example, they may delete text messages or emails or hide incriminating items from their partner. If you suspect your partner is hiding or concealing information from you, addressing the situation head-on is essential. While it’s possible that there is a reasonable explanation for their behavior, it’s also possible that they are being dishonest.

5. A Lying Partner Has a Lack of Eye Contact or Body Language Cues

Another indicator of a lying partner is the lack of eye contact or specific body language cues. When lying, partners may exhibit certain nonverbal cues that can be a red flag to their partner. For example, they may avoid eye contact or fidget when speaking, or their body language may be closed-off or defensive. Inconsistency between verbal and nonverbal communication is also a sign of potential dishonesty.

Nonverbal cues can be a powerful tool in detecting deceptions. Pay attention to their body language and nonverbal cues if you suspect your partner is lying. However, don’t jump into false conclusions and assume the worse based on nonverbal cues alone. But they can be a valuable tool in navigating dishonesty in partnerships. If you notice your partner exhibiting specific nonverbal cues, addressing the situation with them is essential.

lying partner

6. A Lying Partner Might Be Overcompensating or Over-Apologizing

When caught in a lie, some partners may try to make up for their behavior by offering effusive apologies or displays of affection. They may also attempt to distract themselves from their lying behavior with excessive gestures or actions. Overcompensating or over-apologizing can indicate that a partner feels guilty or ashamed over their dishonesty.

While these behaviors may seem genuine, they can also be a way for a partner to manipulate their partner into forgiving them. If your partner is overcompensating or over-apologizing, it’s essential to address the underlying issue directly. It’s important to acknowledge and accept their apologies. It is also essential to have an open and honest conversation about the lying behavior and what led to it.

7. A Liar Displays Unusual or Defensive Behavior

If your partner suddenly changes their behavior or personality patterns, it may be a sign that something is amiss. They may become defensive or angry when questioned about certain topics or exhibit increased suspicion or paranoia. Defensive behavior can be a natural response to feeling accused or under attack. But it can also signify that your partner is trying to hide something.

Be empathetic and understanding when you approach these situations. However, remain vigilant and aware of potential dishonesty. If you notice unusual or defensive behavior in your partner, try to have an open and honest conversation about what’s happening. Let them know you’re concerned and want to understand it.

8. A Liar Has a Lack of Empathy or Understanding

Another telltale sign of a lying partner is a lack of empathy or understanding. When someone lies, they may fail to acknowledge their dishonesty’s impact on others. If your partner is lying, they may be unable to see things from your perspective. They may prioritize their needs over the relationship’s, which eventually causes a breakdown in trust and communication.

Having open and honest communication with your partner about the impact of their dishonesty on you and the relationship is essential. By expressing your feelings and concerns, you may be able to encourage your partner to see things from your perspective. However, if your partner consistently lacks empathy or understanding, it may be a sign of deeper issues in the relationship.

9. A Lying Partner Has Microexpressions or “Tells”

Microexpressions are involuntary facial expressions that occur for a fraction of a second and can reveal a person’s genuine emotions, even if they are trying to hide them. For example, a liar may try to maintain a poker face while telling a falsehood. But they may display “tells,” like sudden changes in facial expressions or body movements. Or maybe brief flashes of negative emotion that are quickly concealed will give them away.

These microexpressions or “tells” can be challenging to spot, but they can be a valuable tool in detecting dishonesty in a partner. However, it’s important to remember that microexpressions alone cannot determine whether someone is lying. They should be considered in conjunction with other factors, such as inconsistencies in their story or unusual behavior patterns.

10. A Liar Engages in Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that some lying partners may use to control the other person and avoid taking responsibility for their actions. This can include denying the other person’s reality or experiences, making them feel as though they are crazy, or overreacting. Liars may blame the other person for their behavior or create confusion and self-doubt in their partner.

Gaslighting can be a subtle but dangerous form of emotional abuse that can erode a person’s self-esteem. It can even lead to long-lasting psychological harm. Individuals need to recognize the signs of gaslighting. That way, you can seek help if you suspect you are being manipulated in this way.


Final Thoughts on a Lying Partner and Building Trust in Relationships

Navigating dishonesty in partnerships can be challenging. But knowing potential warning signs such as avoidance, inconsistent storytelling, and gaslighting can help identify when a partner a liar. Open and honest communication is vital to build trust and maintain honesty and integrity in relationships. By doing so, couples can create a strong foundation for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

Express your concerns and ask direct questions, but also listen to their responses and observe their behavior. Speaking to a therapist or counselor to help you work through any issues may also be helpful. Someone with an objective perspective can help you improve communication in your relationship. Building trust requires both partners to prioritize honesty and integrity in their interactions.