lymph drainage

How Lymph Drainage Can Fix Bloating (and how to do it)

Have you ever had a cold or sinus issue that made your nose drip? There’s nothing worse than postnasal drainage. Do you ever stop and think of what is causing this malfunction and the annoyance that comes along with it?

Your immune system is fighting hard to eliminate foreign invaders, and your dripping nose is just a reaction to your lymphatic system, which is a part of your immunity. Recently, there has been a growing interest in lymph tissue massage. These massages can be done on the head, ears, trunk, and abdomen.

The 411 on Lymph Fluid

If you want to see if your swelling problems are from a lymph issue, you must first understand this fluid. The lymph is clear, and it’s full of white blood cells. The body uses this liquid to help you detox. The fluid originates from the critical parts of your system, which lie under the primary layers of skin.

Where in the Body Does Lymphatic Fluid Originate?

Lymph is a byproduct of your blood vessels, lymph nodes, and valves. As the fluid travels through your body, it picks up impurities like bacteria and viruses, which the immune system filters. Without this vital fluid, you would be extremely sick or even perish.

There are times when the lymphatic fluid cannot be drained from the body because of a malfunction in the immune system. Things that can cause this problem include radiation therapy, an infection, or surgery. You will notice the area of concern because it will swell, which causes a condition known as edema or lymphedema.

One of the most common places for this fluid to build is the legs. If you ride in a car for a long time, you will experience swelling in your feet, ankles, and calves. The swelling and dullness are constrictions caused by the overabundance of fluid, which can be excruciating.

Did you know you can drain your lymphatic system without medical or surgical intervention? Thankfully, lymph drainage can be done through massage and other gentle manipulations.

lymph drainage

The Overabundance of Lymph Fluid

The main goal of lymph drainage is to allow the cells to function correctly. Unlike the other systems within your body, this one is independent. It has a reduced functioning capacity because it’s not connected to your digestive system or blood.

Have you ever seen a person with a large belly who looked pregnant but wasn’t pregnant? A tumor, cyst, or lymphatic system issues can cause it. People with too much lymph in their bodies can appear overweight, but it might be all fluid. Some doctors dub this obesity “fake fat,” as it goes away when it finally drains.

4 Ways to Promote Lymph Drainage Naturally

Remember, this system is independent, so it doesn’t have help from the blood and other organs to move around your body. Sometimes, it gets stuck and needs your assistance to reach the proper location. If the lymph fluid doesn’t reach the nodes, it cannot trigger the immune system to respond.

Thus, it sits in a specific location and can cause serious problems. However, you can fix your lymph drainage issues quickly. Here are the steps to fix this dreadful issue:

1. Move Your Body

Moving your body is the best way to get your fluid collection to start progressing. When you start walking, the fluid has no choice but to move about. Though walking helps, activities that cause the body to move quickly and rapidly can have more of an effect.

As you exercise, your muscles start contracting to meet the demands and pressure you are putting on your system. Additionally, the vessels within your lymphatic structure start working overtime to meet the demands due to the strain of the workout.

Would you be shocked to hear that jumping jacks are the best way to get drainage to occur? Jump on the trampoline with your kids or jump rope. It will be a great workout and will make your swelling go away.

Why do you think so many doctors say that you need to stop and get out and walk when you’re on a long car trip? Moving around is going to get the fluid where it needs to be. Since edema is so common when you sit for long periods, getting up and doing some physical activity reverses the fluid buildup.

2. Give Yourself a Massage

If you have someone who can massage you in the area of trouble, that’s great. However, you can do it yourself if you can easily reach the problem zone. If you have dreaded swelling and “fake fat” that is often talked about, then you can help lymph drainage to occur by doing a massage daily.

When you start pressing and rotating the skin, it helps to remove old skin cells that clog your sweat glands. Did you ever wonder why some people sweat and others don’t? It can be because their sweat glands are clogged or blocked completely.

Your sweat helps to remove waste from the body, and a massage can help to remove those cells to get things flowing again. When massaging the area, you must rub in the direction of your heart. The significance of this maneuver is that it helps the lymph fluid to move quicker, which can help the detox process.

Do you have inflammation in your joints that is painful and causes a loss of motion? A lymph buildup often causes it, and you can take care of it without medical intervention.

water retention
Learn how to avoid water retention.

3. Use a Detoxification Tea

Manjusha powder is known as the blood’s cleanser because of its detoxification properties. Do you like to drink tea? Did you know that mixing half of a teaspoon of Manjusha powder into a cup of tea it can keep lymph moving freely?

You won’t even need to worry about lymph buildup when you take a detoxification tea that keeps these problems at bay.

4. Use Herbal Supplements

Many herbs are incredibly beneficial in detoxifying the body. One that is gaining in popularity is guggul. It’s still rare in the United States, but this Indian herb comes from the bdellium tree in the native land.

Locals have stated for centuries that this herb can do great for people who have fatty liver, cirrhosis, or other problems with this vital organ. The fact that it can break down fatty deposits, too, is beneficial.

When to Avoid Lymph Drainage Activities?

While lymph drainage is a good idea in most situations, there are a few times when it’s best to avoid such activities. Here are five instances when it’s best not to use massages, teas, or exercise to drain your excess lymph.

vagus nerve

1. Active Internal Bleeding

If you are having any internal or external issues, that is causing you to bleed. You shouldn’t do any activities until the bleeding stops.

2. Cancer or Undiagnosed Tumors

If you have cancer anywhere in your body, you don’t want to spread any fluids. Additionally, if you have a tumor or cyst that a doctor hasn’t diagnosed, don’t do any of these activities until you have a formative diagnosis.

3. You Have A Fever with Inflammatory Disease

If you have an inflammatory disease, like Rheumatoid arthritis, and you have a fever, avoid any lymph drainage activities. Wait till the fever breaks, and then you can proceed with holistic treatments for lymph.

4. Circulation Problems

If you have circulation problems, your lymph fluid can cause your heart to work harder. You should avoid a massage or other drainage activities when there are issues like thrombosis or a compromised cardiac system.

5. Pregnancy

Lastly, if you are pregnant, then it could be dangerous to do any lymph drainage activities. You don’t want to do anything that will cause harm to your baby.

lymph drainageFinal Thoughts on Performing Lymph Drainage at Home

Occasional bloating or swelling issues are considered normal, especially when you’ve been sitting for long periods. However, lymph drainage problems need to be addressed as they can be painful and cause difficulty in walking.

Some people are at a greater risk of developing swelling from lymph fluid. People who are obese seem to be more likely to develop lymphedema than those who are at a healthy weight level. Though obesity is one concern, there are all sorts of conditions that can block the fluids and cause it not properly to circulate through the body.

While the medical community may want to do surgery or drain an area, there are ways that you can holistically take care of the problem without going under the knife. Plus, you can be proactive if you have problems with swelling and edema. By drinking teas and making sure you get enough exercise, you can ward off any problems with swelling before they begin.