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Here’s Why You Should Massage Your Feet Every Night Before Bed

Our poor feet…day after day, many of us tread along without giving them much thought, let alone a good massage. We’re so wrapped up in our to-do list and meeting the demands placed on us that we forget how important our tootsies are to keep us productive and limber.

Those who visit the occasional nail salon or spa understand the importance of keeping our feet healthy and could probably share some valuable insight. But what about the rest of us?

Science has shed some insight on why foot massages are healthy, not only for our feet but also for our overall well-being. Contrary to popular belief, a foot massage has numerous health benefits. Let’s go over them individually and shed some light on these benefits.

A quick 10 to 15-minute massage each night:

Thai massage

Improves circulation

This is especially true for those who work in a traditional, passive office environment. If this is the case, foot muscles rarely get any exercise. However, a quick massage session before heading off to bed helps improve blood flow in our lower extremities. Aside from giving our feet a quick massage, we can also ensure that we’re wearing comfortable shoes to help improve circulation.

Helps prevent injuries

Perhaps this has happened: we’re walking along just as usual, one foot in front of the other when suddenly we twist an ankle or get a painful cramp. A short foot massage each night can help strengthen foot and ankle muscles and lower the risk of these sudden injuries. For added benefit, slowly rotate the foot around the ankle to relax and strengthen these muscles.

Lowers blood pressure

In addition to improving blood flow, a short foot massage each night will help counteract rising blood pressure. The number of individuals diagnosed with high blood pressure are rising, partly due to increased stress and other environmental factors. In a promising study conducted at the University of Miami, dementia patients that received a 10-minute foot massage up to three times a week reported improved mood and lowered anxiety. Tests were taken that also reported a decrease in these patients’ blood pressure.

Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression

Studies in reflexology show that frequent, short massages can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. One study revealed that varicose vein patients receiving reflexology treatment reported decreased anxiety while shortening pain duration. In another study of postmenopausal women, reflexology and foot massage also reduced feelings of anxiety and depression.

Alleviates headache pain

In one study of patients suffering from headaches and migraines, reflexology and foot massage helped reduce headache pain symptoms. In Denmark, the subjects ceased taking their medication to test this hypothesis. Just three months after completing the regimen, 65% of patients reported reduced symptoms, while a small percentage had their symptoms relieved completely.

Aids plantar fasciitis and flat feet

People with flat feet (raises hand) don’t have typical feet arching due to “ligament laxity.” While this often doesn’t have many (if any) noticeable physical effects, it can eventually result in foot pain. Further, people who suffer from plantar fasciitis – pain and inflammation of tissue in the heel – also benefit from short, frequent foot massages. In some cases, massaging the feet each night before bed can help alleviate – in some instances cure – chronic pain due to these conditions.

Alleviates symptoms of PMS and menopause

You can relieve most of the common symptoms of PMS – anxiety, fatigue, headaches, mood swings, irritability, unhappiness, and headaches –  with short, nightly foot massages. Menopausal symptoms are generally similar and can also benefit from nightly foot massages.

Reduces effects of edema

Edema is a health condition that results in excess fluid that concentrates in the cavities and tissues of the body. A very common condition during the late stages of pregnancy, short and frequent foot massages can counteract the effects of edema. It should be noted that a healthy diet and adequate rest are also beneficial in minimizing the effects of edema.

Improves intimacy

This is more for male readers. However, women are welcome to consider this nugget of wisdom as well. A foot massage is a simple, selfless, no-cost act of love that can strengthen the bond between two people. Physically, the feet are an erogenous body part that can also help ignite passion.


Final Thoughts on Why to Massage Your Feet Every Night at Bedtime

Hopefully, this article has shed some light on how foot massages can help bolster our physical and mental health. Taking a bit of time to learn how to care for our feet is both worthwhile and valuable.