mentally exhausted

10 Red Flags Someone Is Mentally Exhausted (and What Caused It)

Did you know that it’s possible to feel emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted and not even realize it? Things aren’t always so cut and dry, and you can easily mistake one pain for another. For instance, you may believe the chronic headaches come from bad pillows or a poor sleeping position.

That might be true. However, the pain can also stem from high cortisol levels due to a poor mental state. You’re tired all the time to the point where all you can do is get up for work and come home and crash. You think this is part of the everyday grind, but it might also come from a mentally and physically exhausted mind and body.

The key is to understand the signals your body gives you, no matter how much they mimic other things.

Stress: The Common Culprit That Causes Mental Exhaustion

Life is so full of stress that it’s not only overwhelming but also exhausting. It’s effortless to become fatigued, and you may cope by sleeping more.

Many people wake in the morning feeling as if they haven’t slept a wink, but they’ve been in bed for more than what’s needed to feel refreshed. Do you contemplate how much you want your life to change for the better, but sadly, things keep getting worse? You have a difficult marriage, or your family/work balance is out of whack, or you may have health issues that run you down.

All these things can cause you to experience exhaustion, which will lead to overwhelming fatigue.

mentally exhausted

Ten Signs Someone is Mentally Exhausted

Do you feel burnout? It’s a state where the exhaustion you feel in your mind and body is caused you excessive stress. You might feel worn-out, tired, and so overwhelmed you’re not getting anything accomplished.

Some folks describe it as a feeling of being stuck, and you may feel like your life is leading you rather than you directing your life. These times of extreme exhaustion can affect your relationships and career. Additionally, your quality of living diminishes as your mind feels overwhelmed, but you can do something to combat these horrible feelings.

You must identify the red flags of exhaustion, so you can take steps to prevent severe mental or physical issues. Here are some of the critical signs that you’re mentally exhausted.

1. A Mentally Exhausted Person Is Easily Agitated and Irritable

Do you find that you get annoyed by the smallest of things as your fuse is short these days? Many people who are exhausted emotionally will feel constantly agitated and irritable. You’re continually pointing out the negative things around you rather than looking at the positive.

If you find that you’re losing your temper over the smallest of things, then it’s a red flag that your mental state is not good. You’re becoming overly sensitive to the negativity that’s all around you, and it’s making you think and feel in ways that are unhealthy.

2. Detached from Everyone and Everything

You’ll go through a stage in your mental exhaustion where you feel like nothing phases you anymore, and you’re numb. The detachment you feel will be from everyone and everything, so it’s not easy to pinpoint an exact cause.

Emotions often take a backseat because you’ve become so immune to the numbness you feel that you can’t cry anymore or have much of a reaction. Eventually, you’ll begin to isolate yourself from the world.

3. A Mentally Exhausted Person May Lack Motivation

Your motivation to do things is one of the first things to go when you’re mentally exhausted. You may have lost faith in life itself, or you don’t have any energy to get up and clean the house. Doing everyday chores like taking a shower may seem like an arduous task.

If you’re finding that you’re constantly struggling to have the necessary motivation to get things done, it’s a sign that you’re becoming emotionally exhausted.

4. Having Issues with Panic and Anxiety

What happens to a car when it runs hot? Eventually, the engine will lock up or seize from the strain of the heat. The same things happen to you when you’re under pressure for way too long.

You can start to experience things like anxiety or panic attacks. When you’re overly irritated anyway, you may find that panic becomes a part of your life. Anxiety occurs when you constantly worry over everything, and you’re already at a state where your mind and body are beyond exhausted.

According to the National Library of Health, it’s imperative to seek help for anxiety-related issues as they can morph into phobias and other more severe conditions. Anxiety is a highly treatable condition, as the most beneficial method, according to the article, is CBT therapy.

5. A Mentally Exhausted Person Might Cry Often and Become Emotional

Since you’re already exhausted, your emotions will kick into overdrive. It’s often the case that people will cry a lot and over the silliest reasons. However, you will get to a point where your tears will dry as you become numb inside.

mentally exhausted

6. Always Tired

The exhaustion that comes from working the 9-5 and the kind that comes from mental fatigue are two diverse types. When your mind is tired, you feel mentally exhausted from the inside. Additionally, no amount of coffee or rest will fix this unpleasant feeling.

Your body has used all its resources for energy, and you’ve hit a low place that you can’t get out of. This is a warning sign that you’re entering a dangerous phase in your stress, and something must be done to rectify the situation.

7. Sleep Schedule Is Erratic

The mentally exhausted folks find that their sleep schedule becomes erratic. One night, you may sleep for 12 hours and not feel like you’ve slept a wink. However, there will be other nights when you stare at the ceiling and barely get two hours of shut-eye.

According to an article posted on Baylor College of Medicine sleep expert Dr. Annise Wilson, they often deal with overly stressed people and have insomnia. They can’t turn their minds off long enough to sleep. They lie awake for hours, ruminating about all the things that are beyond their control.

8. Lethargy, Dizziness, and Nausea Most Days

When you’re exhausted and your body urges you to rest, it’s common to feel nauseous, lethargic, and dizzy. When you’re going through a mental and emotional breakdown, you feel the need to sleep.

The only problem is that sleep isn’t helping.

It’s going to take more than a weekend of catching up on your rest to make you feel better. You need to get to the source of the problem and not use rest as a coping mechanism.

9. Avoid Responsibilities Deliberately

To the outside world, you’re avoiding your responsibilities. However, the actual problem is that your energy levels are so low that you can’t even think about doing one thing. Sometimes, it’s a struggle to keep up with your job.

It’s often the case that people at this level of desperation will avoid personal hygiene. When you start skipping showers, avoiding laundry, and not taking care of your body, it’s another sign of mental exhaustion. According to Mental Help, it’s pretty standard that people under mental distress have poor hygiene, and it doesn’t mean that you’re a dirty person.

You’re just in such a wrong place in your life that making it to the shower seems like the journey of a million miles. However, it does get better!

10. A Mentally Exhausted Person Is Never on Time for Anything

Now, some people are chronically late, and this is their routine as they’ve always been this way. However, mentally exhausted folks will find that they can’t be on time for anything. Being punctual is not high on the list, and you feel like you don’t have enough time to get anything done, let alone be on time.

mentally exhausted

Final Thoughts on Identifying Somone Who Is Mentally Exhausted

The good news is that your mind is quite resilient. You can and will make a full recovery with a bit of effort. The most significant hurdle is that you will need to admit that you have a problem, as many people like to deny anything about mental health. Exhaustion is not something to play with, as stress can make you sick.

You can’t just admit there’s an issue, as you must also make changes to address the problem. One way to combat this common concern is to find time to relax and get away from the stress. Next, it’s helpful to reduce the sensory stimulation around you that keeps your senses on overload. Lastly, it would help if you prioritized the things you must handle in your life.

Not everything goes at the top of the list as urgent, and you must organize your daily tasks by order of importance. It’s often the case that people get mentally exhausted because they’re doing so many things that have little significance. If you want to recover, you learn to let go of the things that are not important, as they’re likely the cause of much of your angst.