mid life crisis

5 Therapeutic Ways to Handle A Mid Life Crisis

Dealing with a mid life crisis is never easy and unfortunately, it’s often dismissed as a ridiculous phase of life in which mid life crisis men buy sports cars and mid life crisis women dye their hair a crazy color. In reality it’s not so comical. Rest assured, almost everyone comes to a point in life where they feel like time has finally caught up with them. It’s what you do with that realization that matters.

They key is to make decisions that contribute positively to your life instead of negatively. Mid life crisis men and mid life crisis women alike can use this phase as an opportunity to make changes in their lives that they wouldn’t have otherwise made before. A mid life crisis can be triggered by many things such as awareness of aging, a big health scare, a sense of emptiness at home or within a career, children leaving home, or regretting certain decisions made or not made during the course of life.

Any number of these things can prompt the desire to make major life-changing decisions for better or for worse. We’d like for you to stay on the better side of things, so here are 5 tips for positively dealing with a mid life crisis!

5 Simple Techniques to Deal with Mid Life Crisis

1. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone
If you’re going through a mid life crisis don’t bottle your feelings up. More people go through it than you may realize and talking to someone about it can be very healing as you find people to rely on and relate to.

Family and friends make for wonderful confidants but if you are feeling hopeless, not doing the activities you used to enjoy, or having negative or suicidal thoughts you should talk to a therapist or go see your healthcare provider as those are signs of depression.

2. Keep a journal
Keeping a journal will not only help you make sense of your thoughts and feelings, it will show you things that occur on a daily basis that you are not happy with and could change.

Alternatively, it can show you the things you’re happy about and you can celebrate those things. When you’ve moved on from this phase in your life, you can look back on it and see how far you’ve come.

3. “The Good Ole’ Days”
Though you may have had a great time in your younger days, there is no reason as to why getting older has to mean that your quality of life lessens. It’s great to look back on your past with a smile but remind yourself of the challenges you also had to face back then. It wasn’t all easy! Instead of thinking that your best days are behind you, ask yourself what you want to change to improve the quality of your life?

4. Audit your life
If you are extremely dissatisfied with your life, take into account your values and sense of purpose. Are you living according to them? Or have you been ignoring them out of fear?

Don’t be afraid to align your actions with your beliefs, one thing a mid life crisis does is show you that you should be happy with the life you’re living and this can be a liberating experience.

5. Create new goals
Commit to the life you want to be living. Setting small goals and achieving them will lead to increased confidence. Sticking to smaller goals will keep you on track with making decisions that will benefit you instead of setting unrealistic goals that can ultimately take you away from the life you want to be living.

If social media makes you feel like you aren’t doing enough, take a break from it and focus on you. Set the goals you want to accomplish for yourself and don’t let pressure from others distract you.

mid life crisis

Going through a mid life crisis is tough. But one thing it can do for you is change things for the better. Remember to be gentle with yourself, make decisions and set goals that positively affect your life, and look to those around you for support. If you show signs of depression, seek help from a professional. Appreciate the life you have, and look forward to many more years of growth and experience!
