
The Adventures Of The World’s Most Charming Labradoodle

Reagan, a 6-year-old Australian Labradoodle, is probably one of the cutest dogs youā€™ll ever lay eyes on! His owner Sandy adopted him when he was eight weeks old, saying she knew he would change their lives. ā€œThatā€™s what puppies do. But I never imagined the positive impact heā€™d have on not only me and my family but on people all over the world,ā€ she said.

Currently, Reagan has around 512,000 followers (and counting) on Instagram, and even has his own calendar, books, and website! Heā€™s pretty much a global puppy celebrity, charming the hearts of thousands with his touching story. Sandy became a foster grandparent to an 11-month-old boy when Reagan, ironically, turned 11 months old. She nicknamed the boy ā€˜Little Buddy,ā€™ and he and Reagan ā€œclicked the moment they met and became the best of friends.ā€

Sandy often dresses them alike and records them hanging out, posting cute videos of them on Instagram. ā€œLooking at photos of the two of them, you could almost feel the love they share,ā€ she said. The uplifting, heartwarming story of their relationship led to Sandy writing three books about them. A portion of the proceeds from the books supports children in foster care, which makes the story even better!

Sandy says that she and Reagan are a perfect match because she loves photography, and he loves to model! Reagan makes people smile and is truly a light in the world for so many. Wherever he goes, people canā€™t seem to get enough of him. ā€œHe adds a bit of joy to an otherwise stressful day.ā€


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Reagan in the limelight

From the website, when fans asked if Sandy would ever stop brightening their day with the adorable pics, she said:

ā€œYou, my friends, are the ones that brighten MY day. I love seeing your ‘likes’ on social media and reading your sweet comments. My goal, when I first started my IG, was to post a pic every day for a year. Iā€™m happy to say that I have posted every single day so far, and in August, it was 3 years! I donā€™t plan on stopping any time soon – Iā€™m having way too much fun.ā€

What great news, because pictures of Reagan never seem to get old! He seems to love the camera, but Sandy says itā€™s probably because treats are usually involved. (Dogs will do pretty much anything for some treats, after all). Most of the sessions are short and sweet, and Mom makes sure that the kids and Reagan always have matching outfits on.

Reagan now has a little sister, too. Sandy and her husband adopted a baby girl one year after Little Buddy came into the picture. She came to live with the family when she was just two days old, and everyone was immediately smitten with her. Since they are registered foster parents, they got a call asking, “A baby was just born and needs to go into care. Can you come pick her up?” They didnā€™t even have second thoughts about it, and sheā€™s been with the family ever since.

A little about the Labradoodle breed

Started in Australia, the A.L. breed was founded by a man who wanted to find a hypoallergenic service dog for his wife. Reagan is mixed with lab, poodle, and a few other breeds, including Cocker Spaniel. Sandy and her husband decided on a labradoodle because they are joyful, sociable, and very clever. They are also easy to train and are very good with children and families.


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Labradoodles have playful, comical energies and love to stay active! They quickly learn unusual or special tasks and are highly intelligent. Non-aggressive and friendly, they make the perfect service or therapy dog. Reagan is a little smaller than the average Labradoodle, weighing in at around 45 pounds.

In case you were wondering, Mom gets most of his clothes from Target, Carters, Old Navy, and Childrenā€™s Place. Apparently, kids’ clothes can work just fine with dogs, too! Sometimes Sandy puts pants on him and cuts a slit so his giant fluffy tail can fit.

As for Reaganā€™s diet, he eats pretty much whatever his brother is eating, if he can. His absolute favorite food is peanut butter, but his family makes sure to buy him a healthier kind thatā€™s lower in fat. Called PB2, it contains 85% fewer calories and has no added sugar. He eats a raw food diet because it keeps his coat shiny and makes him healthy and strong!


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He also loves cookies, pizza, burgers, and tacos, though, made dog-friendly, of course. He enjoys any dog treats, too, so his diet is pretty versatile. However, he sticks to a mostly raw diet.

Final thoughts on Reagan the Labradoodle dog

Based on the Instagram pictures, it seems like Reagan is truly living his best life, taking it all in with his brother, sister, and loving parents. He does everything with them and hates being left alone. Although he spends most of his time with the family, they make sure heā€™s well-taken care of when they go on vacation. Reagan gets to stay at a special doggie Bed & Breakfast spa so he can socialize with other dogs while the family is away.

We hope you enjoy looking at some adorable pictures of Reagan! We had a hard time choosing a few from all of them, so if youā€™d like to check out more, you can do so here.