negative words

20 Negative Words to Remove From Your Vocabulary

Words can change the course of your day and your attitude. Negative words can do damage to your self-esteem and cause you to lose hope for the future. By removing these words from your vocabulary, you’ll notice an improvement in your life and overall well-being.

The words you say can influence your thoughts and actions, contributing to your success in life. As the words affect you, they also affect your relationships, career prospects, and all other areas of your life. While you might not think the things you say matter, they’re impactful even if no one else hears you.

Negative words lead to negative energy within, attracting more negativity. If you can remove these words from your vocabulary, you can replace them with positivity. Once you find new phrases, you’ll have positive energy, attracting other positive people and things into your life.

Remove These Twenty Negative Words from Your Vocabulary

If you currently aren’t seeing the results that you want, consider the things that you say. Changing the words that you use can lead to transforming your life. By eliminating negative words from your vocabulary, you can begin attracting the results you want.

negative words

The Most Important 5 Negative Words

1. Bad

When you use the word bad, it’s an unspecific description. Most of the time, nothing is bad because that mindset is debatable. Plus, many times, when you feel like someone or something is bad, you are basing that off of resentment or other negative feelings.

If you can remove this and other negative words from your vocabulary, you’ll begin to see things as they are. You’ll find better ways to describe and deal with your feelings, opening up more opportunities and ideas. Best of all, you won’t experience the negativity that comes from using this word.

2. Problem

Describing something or someone as a problem causes feelings of stress. When there is a problem, you must find a solution, so your mind associates it with negativity. This thought process blocks your creativity and critical thinking skills.

3. Hate

This word is one of the most negative words you can use as it encourages aggression and violence. The term ‘hate’ and the negative feelings associated with it disrupt your peace and steal your joy. Using the word even one time can cause issues, and using it frequently can cause constant unhappiness.

Rather than use the word hate, try to focus on acceptance instead. Accept that you can’t change the situation, and then move on without anger or resentment.

4. Ugly

Using the word ugly, especially when describing yourself, is one of the worst things you can say. Even if you have pimples or blemishes on your face, avoid using this negative word. Saying the word ugly can prevent you from finding happiness, and it’ll ruin your self-esteem.

5. If

The word if hints at uncertainty, causing you to sabotage your self-confidence. Using the word ‘if’ implies that you won’t reach success and meet your goals. Try using the word ‘when’ in place of ‘if,’ so remind yourself that you will achieve what you set out to do.

5 More Negative Words We Should Really Avoid At All Costs

6. Why Me?

These words will keep you stuck in a victim mentality cycle. This cycle prevents you from resolving the situation because you’re focusing on the negative aspects. While you might not have planned for this situation, you can get yourself out of it by avoiding these words.

7. Should

Don’t tell people what they should or shouldn’t do because it implies that the other person can’t make decisions. They might feel disrespected, or they might avoid making decisions for themselves.

When you use the word ‘should’ toward yourself, it causes negativity to set it. You might experience feelings of frustration, guilt, or regret about your life. Try using the word ‘choose’ or ‘could’ instead.

8. Incompetent

The word incompetent implies you or someone else can’t do something. Eliminating this word from your vocabulary is beneficial because it helps you recognize that everyone has a different skill set. Someone might be good at one thing but not another, and the opposite can be true for someone else.

Everyone is good at different things, so the word incompetent is detrimental and inaccurate. Rather than say the word incompetent, try encouraging the person to focus on things they’re good at instead.

9. Can’t

Using the word ‘can’t’ can lead to failing at a task you could have done otherwise. When you say that you can’t do something, you won’t be able to do it. However, if you say that you can do something, you’ll get it done.

Your mind believes the words you say, so make sure you speak positively about your abilities. Saying that you can’t do something will only hold you back from reaching your dreams. It causes self-doubt and defeat.

If someone asks you to do something and you don’t want to, you should still avoid saying that you can’t do it. Instead, say that you choose not to because it reaffirms that you have control over your life.

10. Life Isn’t Fair

While these words might seem true sometimes, you should avoid saying them. When you use this phrase, you’ll focus on the negative aspects of your life. Eliminating it from your vocabulary can help you focus on positivity instead.

negative sayings

5 Extra Negative Words That Are Harder to Eliminate But Should Still Be Worked On…

11. Don’t

When you use the word ‘don’t,’ your brain misses that part of the statement. So, if you say you don’t want to do something, your mind perceives it as something you want to do. Rather than think or talk about what you don’t want to do, focus on the things you want.

12. I’ll Try

Saying that you’ll try might sound like a great phrase, but it’s not. When you say you’ll try, you’re only permitting yourself to quit at the first sign of a struggle. Saying ‘I’ll try’ will make each obstacle seem much worse than it is, and you won’t want to find a solution.

Instead, make a definite choice to do something or not to do it. If you do this, you have a better chance of accomplishing your goal and using less negative words like this.

13. Impossible

Saying impossible sets the tone that you can’t do something. Each time you say it, your mind begins to think you can’t get it done. As long as the goal is possible, avoid using ‘impossible’ to describe it.

If the word impossible comes to mind, replace it with the word difficult. Remind yourself that you can do hard things and that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

14. Useless

Describing someone or something, especially yourself, as useless is displaying negative words directly. If you feel like you aren’t doing enough, it could simply indicate that you haven’t found your purpose yet. No matter what you’re going through, you’re valuable, and so is every other human.

If you’re calling other people useless, remember that it’s a degrading insult. It could make people not want to be around you, as it’ll cause you to radiate negativity and the negative words that go with it.

15. Just

The word ‘just’ minimizes your efforts and who you are as a person. Don’t use this negative word, especially when you’re describing yourself or your achievements.

5 Final Negative Words That Are Hard to Eliminate But Are Worth Trying

16. Someday

Someday isn’t a day that you can find on the calendar, so avoid using the word. The word ‘someday’ is a way to lie about your level of commitment, and it indicates a lack of belief. It also lowers your sense of worth. Avoid negative words like someday at all costs.

17. But

The word ‘but’ is a way to rationalize your excuses and procrastination. Don’t talk yourself out of anything by using this negative word. Own up to the things you didn’t get done instead so that you can adjust it and move on.

18. Boring

There are many words you can use in place of ‘boring.’ Rather than complaining by saying something is boring, use that time as a chance to relax. Complaining that you’re bored only breeds negative thoughts when you could be using that time for yourself to create less negative words.

19. I Have To

Saying “I have to” implies that you have no choice or control over your life. Negative sayings place you into the role of a victim as you give into restrictions. Instead, say “I get to” when you have something going on.

20. If Only

Using the words ‘if only’ is an excuse to not go after what you want in life. It hides your abilities and forces you to stay in your comfort zone all of the time. You have a purpose in life, so avoid using this term along with other negative words, and you’ll find that more positive things happen for you.

negative wordsFinal Thoughts on Negative Words to Eliminate from Your Vocabulary

Your words are more powerful than you realize. They can make all the difference in your mindset and abilities moving forward. Your words are your choice, so make sure you eliminate these negative words from your vocabulary.

Once you remove the negative words, you’ll notice that you become a more positive person. As you begin to radiate positivity, you’ll attract good things and people into your life. If you’re guilty of using any of these words, start working to make a change right away.