occupy the mind

25 Fun Ways to Occupy the Mind and Increase Brain Health

When you can’t stop thinking about something upsetting, you must find a way to occupy the mind. Whether you’re stressed, sad, or experiencing any other type of negative emotion, you can switch your thoughts and focus on something fun. These fun ways to occupy the mind also increase brain health, offering additional long-term benefits.

Implementing these fun tasks not only occupies the mind but also protects your brain and helps with passing the time. If you struggle with overthinking or need something to do in your free time, these activities are beneficial and fun.

Choose one or two of the activities to start with, and then implement more as you desire. As you do these fun things to occupy the mind, your life will improve, and you’ll experience joy. You might also discover a new passion that you can delve deeper into.

25 Fun Ways to Occupy the Mind and Increase Brain Health

Once you realize how fun these activities are, you’ll likely want to add a few more to your routine. Before you know it, you’ll always have something fun to do that also protects your mind.

occupy the mind

1. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is one of the best ways to occupy the mind and protect your brain. Take care of your mind, body, and spirit because it is essential to living the best life and using your brain to its full capabilities. Self-care means many different things to people, so do what feels best for you.

2. Occupy the Mind by Learning Something New

Learning something new is one of the best ways to occupy your mind and protect your brain. You can choose a new hobby to focus on, helping to keep your mind busy.

One option is to learn a new language or musical instrument. Another idea is to sign up for a free class.

3. Listen to Music and Sing

Listening to music can help pass the time while improving your ability to recall information. Singing while you listen is even more beneficial, so choose songs you know and love.

4. Go for a Drive and Explore Somewhere New

You don’t have to go far to explore a new location. Choose a place nearby that you haven’t been to before and spend time exploring. Not only will it occupy the mind, but it’ll improve memory, recall, and logic.

5. Take a Nap (the Most Relaxing Way to Occupy the Mind)

Taking a nap will help you rest and relax your mind. It will also occupy your thoughts as you can’t overthink while you sleep. Your mind and body rejuvenate while you sleep, helping improve your overall health.

6. Play with Animals

If you have a pet, you likely do this already. However, if you don’t have a pet, find some friendly animals to play with. You can visit your local animal shelter or go to a friend’s house who has animals.

7. Read a Good Book to Occupy the Mind

Reading can clear your mind and help you focus on something other than your thoughts. You can lose yourself in a good book, and it’ll help pass the time quickly. Additionally, reading improves your ability to recall information, making it even more beneficial.

8. Clean or Organize Something

Cleaning and organizing are sure ways to occupy the mind. They help you focus your mind on one task at a time, eliminating space for negative thoughts. While these tasks take time, they’re beneficial, and the results will be well worth it.

9. Plan a Trip

Not only will planning a trip help keep your mind occupied, but it brings happiness, too. When you have something to look forward to, you’re sure to feel better. Plus, learning about new places helps challenge your mind.

10. Spend Time Writing

Writing of any kind helps keep your mind busy and improves memory and recall. You can write your feelings down in a journal, or you can challenge yourself to write a book. If you aren’t ready for an entire book, you could start with short stories instead.

11. Occupy the Mind Making Lists

Lists are beneficial because they can help you organize your thoughts while keeping your mind busy. You can make lists of anything that comes to mind, including things you need or methods of calming down. Additionally, organizing your thoughts into a list promotes logic as you work on categorizing.

12. Volunteer

Volunteering is the perfect way to forget about your problems for a while. When you are busy helping others, you won’t have time to think about things that make you upset. Plus, you gain beneficial qualities such as empathy, compassion, and communication.

13. Do Something Creative

Doing something creative is a great way to keep your mind occupied. Tap into your inner creativity and try drawing, coloring, or making a scrapbook. Scrapbooking is especially beneficial because you’ll have beautiful books of memories to look back on forever.

You can also learn calligraphy, which can be calming and relaxing. Any kind of arts and crafts are beneficial for keeping your mind off things.

occupy the mind

14. Cook or Bake

Cooking and baking take lots of time and occupy your thoughts throughout the process. Plus, reading recipes and creating dishes helps you recall information. Even better, you’ll have plenty of delicious things to enjoy later.

15. Do a Crossword Puzzle to Occupy the Mind

Crossword puzzles force you to think of something else, occupying your thoughts for a while. They help you pass the time, and they challenge your mind to come up with answers. You can also try sudoku or other types of brain-challenge puzzles.

16. Find Any Creative Outlet

Finding an outlet might be all you need to do to occupy your mind. You can start a bullet journal, as it takes lots of time but results in a great finished product. Writing, doodling, brainstorming, and creativity can help you escape your negative thoughts.

Another idea is to start a blog. Starting a blog requires quite a bit of work, allowing you to shift your mindset. Plus, you’ll learn so much along the way.

17. Burn Some Sage

Burning sage takes time, and you can practice mindfulness while you do it. It promotes mental clarity, has purification properties, balances the space, and boosts mood. Burning sage also reduces stress and activates pain-reducing receptors in the brain.

18. Take a Warm Bath

Taking a warm bath can help you relax enough to occupy your mind with positivity. It’ll help you eliminate negative thoughts or overthinking, reduce stress, and protect your brain. You can do other fun tasks while taking your bath, including reading, listening to music, and doing crossword puzzles.

19. Work on Your Garden to Occupy the Mind

Gardening will keep you occupied for a while, and it gives you something to work on each day. Plus, spending time outdoors learning about plants can help challenge your mind. Challenge yourself to learn as much as you can to increase the benefits.

20. Go for a Walk or Do Another Form of Exercise

Walking and other forms of exercise keep you occupied and clear your mind of negativity. Not only is practice suitable for your physical health, but it also promotes mental health. Other exercise ideas that can clear your mind include hiking, swimming, and yoga.

21. Find Someone to Talk To

Sometimes talking to someone is the best way to occupy the mind. Ask someone to come over, call a long-distance family member, or visit a friend. You might end up talking for hours, ensuring your mind stays busy.

22. Do a Puzzle

Building a puzzle is time-consuming and requires concentration and problem-solving. The best part is that puzzles are relatively easy to find, and you can start a new one as soon as you finish the last. You can also do puzzles with others or alone, making it an option anytime.

23. Practice Meditation

Meditation helps you clear your thoughts and focus on the present. You can pair meditation with deep breathing techniques, furthering the benefits to your mind and body.

Not only does meditation help occupy the mind, but it also promotes recall and cognitive function. It slows the effects of aging on your brain, allowing you to protect your brain throughout your life.

24. Occupy the Mind Writing or Reading Daily Affirmations

Daily affirmations can help you shift your thoughts to ones of positivity. You’ll learn to push away self-limiting or negative beliefs, leaving space for positivity to take over. When you make daily affirmations a habit, you’ll feel better, and your brain will become healthier.

25. Watch the Sunset

You don’t have to go anywhere to watch the sunset, so it’s the perfect way to occupy your mind. Watching the sunset will help you feel calm and happy, pushing away negative thoughts. Additionally, it encourages you to think about all of the good things in your life.

occupy the mind

Final Thoughts on Fun Ways to Occupy the Mind and Increase Brain Health

These fun ways to occupy your mind are more beneficial than you likely realize. They strengthen your intellect, improve recall, and protect your brain from the effects of aging.

Whether you struggle with overthinking or need something fun to do, these activities will help you. With so many things to choose from, you’re sure to find a few new activities to try.