
What Does Your Personality Color Reveal About You?

There are four basic color personalities in True Colors, and the color that describes you most says a lot about how you handle relationships, process information, communicate, and more. Of the four True Colors personalities, orange, green, gold, or blue, which one will you relate most to? Read on to learn more about this unique personality assessment.

People who take the True Colors personality assessment at different times may find that their color can change over time. The developers of the True Colors personality test say that having different True Colors results is due to our changing perspectives, priorities, and interests over time.

There are four basic personality types in the True Colors personality quiz. They break down into four colors; blue, orange, green, and gold. True Colors was developed in 1978 by Don Lowry, who was working on creating a simplified group of personality categories.

True Colors specializes in group team-building activities. People learn who among their colleagues is like them and who thinks a little differently. True Colors website says ‘by recognizing and embracing differences. They learn to work together effectively. Thus, True Colors has spread to hundreds of schools, colleges, universities, corporations, government and non-profit organizations across the U.S., Canada, and worldwide.’

About True Colors and Their Personality Assessment

strong personality

Companies retain True Colors to understand the strengths and opportunities of their employees. How we handle conflict, our ability to collaborate with others versus working independently, and our leadership ability, among other traits, become helpful information for Human Resource departments looking to fill specific roles within the company.

Related article: What You Can Tell About Someone’s Personality in 10 Seconds

Of the four color personalities ‘Each category is associated with a color assigned intentionally to describe the group. A person is either Blue, Gold, Green, or Orange. The test results are a summation of personal rankings ranging from characteristics that are least like the individual to those most like the individual on a scale of 1 to 4, respectively. There is a variety of information about an individual that can be insinuated and determined from his or her color classification.’

The Meyers-Briggs personality test is a more in-depth look at personality traits, but it is more complex and takes longer to complete. Lowry was looking for an easy way to categorize people, so he developed True Colors. Let’s look at each personality color and what your color reveals about your personality.

When you read the descriptions of the True Colors personalities, think about what you prefer to do most, not what you are required to do. Also, sometimes you will feel conflicted over which color is more like yourself. If that happens, use whichever you feel more often.


About 15% of the population are Blue in the True Colors personalities. The True Colors website says ‘The color Blue indicates the type of person who often thinks of relationships first and values relationships above all else. This group is primarily people-oriented.’

The traits of the True Color Personality – Blue:

  • A love of people, socializing, and talking
  • Generous toward others
  • Likes helping others to get along peacefully
  • Enjoys connecting to others on an emotional level
  • Assumes that others have the best intentions


Also, a rare type, only about 25% of the population are the True Color Green. ‘Green represents the more fact-oriented person – the student or adult who often asks, ‘Why?’ Greens question rules and regulations. Although they normally love to learn new information (they are often interested in science and math), they usually resist too much structure. Greens value teachers, structure, and institutions as information repositories and thrive when encouraged in their perpetual pursuit of discovery.’

The traits of the True Color Personality – Green:

  • Preferring to do research before making a decision
  • Likes facts and data over words and images
  • Loves problem solving and abstract thinking
  • Prefers to work independently


35% of the population are Gold in the True Colors groupings. Gold reveals a more structured, disciplined, organized personality type. Many leaders, managers, and politicians are members of the Gold group. Gold group usually does well in school and follows the rules appropriately. Gold students are comfortable within a highly structured environment.’

The traits of True Color Personality – Gold:

  • Taking the lead when no one else will
  • Planning and strategizing rather than diving into a project, but capable of acting quickly when needed
  • Weighing the pros and cons when making a decision
  • Planning and saving for the future
  • Strong sense of ethics and character


35% of the population are an Orange True color. The True Colors website says ‘The Orange people love action and have a challenging time sitting still for long periods. They don’t like rules, and much prefer initiating spontaneous activities at the moment without a lot of planning. Orange people care about intelligent and quick learners. However, they usually do not adapt well to a standard school environment. They prefer hands-on discovery and learning through action and movement. They may have excellent mechanical skills and are often great at sports, drama, music, art, and other active, creative, competitive pursuits.’

The traits of the True Color Personality – Orange:

  • Enjoying physical movement
  • Preferring freedom over structure
  • Going with the flow
  • Living in the moment

Pass this on so your friends and loved ones to read about the True Colors personalities so you can see what their color reveals about their personality and how they relate to your True Color.