pet owners

Pet Owners Share the Truth About Why They Canceled Plans (And It Wasn’t Really Sickness)

Everyone cancels plans once in a while, but pet owners have a different reason for doing so. If you’re a pet owner, you may already suspect what that reason is. For everyone else, that reason remains unknown for now, but you will soon find out.

Pet owners often view their pets as members of the family. To the owner, a pet is like a child that requires love, attention, and care. When it is put that way, pets are very much like children, so it is understandable.

To understand why people cancel plans to hang out with their pets, it is important to remember how much care a pet requires.

Some of the things pets needs include the following:

  • a safe environment
  • healthy diet
  • learning safe and normal behavior (training)
  • companionship (with both humans and other pets)
  • protection from pain and injury
  • professional health check-ups
  • disease and illness prevention
  • exercise
  • play
  • grooming

As you can see, pets require many things. Some of these necessities are a daily task, and a loving pet owner will make sure to meet the needs. So, now it’s time to explain the truth about why pet owners cancel plans.

Why Pet Owners Canceled Plans

pet ownersBy now you are already beginning to figure out why pet owners canceled plans by now. The main reason they do this is to spend time with their pets. While your friend may not tell you this when they cancel, many people admit to canceling plans for this reason.

A survey conducted by Wisdom Health Genetics, which is a pet genetics company, shows this fact. The survey was taken by 13,000 people who own pets, representing owners of both cats and dogs. After going over the survey results, it was determined that many pet owners prefer spending time with their pets over doing other things.

The surveys showed that 72% of dog owners cancel plans to spend time with their dogs. Cat owners are a little less guilty, with only 32% of them canceling plans to hang out with their cat. Both dog and cat owners are guilty of this reason for canceling plans, however, and you can’t blame them.

Pet Owners Admit the Truth

Some people have turned to social media to voice their truth about canceling plans to hang out with their pets. They are admitting to canceling plans to spend time with their pet, and they aren’t ashamed of it, either.

Owners love their pets and, as stated before, view them as their children. Many people even create social media pages for their pets to share photos and information with others.

The bond that owners and their pets share is incomparable, and the data is there to prove it. Furthermore, it’s important to note that many people view their relationship with their pets as the most important.

Top Reasons That Pet Owners Cancelled Plans

Users on both Twitter and Facebook are posting about it on social media, and we’re here for their admissions.

Their Pet Had a Procedure Done

Even seemingly simple procedures can be stressful for a pet. In one thread on Facebook, a user going by the name of Mary Myers posted, “Most recently, on Tuesday. Said no to dinner because my sausage dog had his teeth cleaned. He needed conciliatory cuddles!” Cuddling with your pet after they have their teeth cleaned is comforting to your pet and will help them relax.

Their Pet Needs to Stay on a Schedule

A Facebook user named Laurie Boucher Ziegelmann explained that her plans all have to revolve around her pet. Instead of canceling plans, she doesn’t make plans without considering her pet.

Ziegelmann posted, “I wouldn’t say I’ve actually canceled plans. However, ALL or ANY plans center around the doggies feeding schedule, potty schedule. Vacations only happen IF I can find a pet-friendly house to rent. Hotels are a no go since my girl is a yapper.”

With feeding and bathroom schedules, this is necessary to consider and adjust accordingly.

Their Dog Needs Attention

On Twitter, one user with the handle @gyarunel posted, “I cancelled plans to hang out with my dog all day man its what he deserves.”

As mentioned before, dogs need and deserve attention and companionship. This owner made sure his dog was getting what he deserved by canceling his plans.

Their Dog is Comfortable or Needs Cuddles

Another Twitter user, @HerrmannKenzie, took to Twitter to explain why she canceled her plans.

She posted, “Story time: once I canceled plans to hang out with someone bc my dog was laying on me, and she was super comfortable and being really cute:) don’t even regret it.”

Since her dog was comfortable, she couldn’t let her down by getting up.

Their Pet Was Sick

People also cancel plans when their pets aren’t feeling well. Twitter user @tdro shared an update that said, “Cancelled all my plans today to hang out with a sick cat. Yup, that seems normal.”

She implied that choosing your pet over your plans is abnormal, but as we now know, this isn’t true. Canceling those plans is entirely normal and expected of pet owners once in a while. It’s all a part of being a good owner.

pet illnessThey Just Wanted to Hang out With Their Pet

Sometimes there is no specific reason other than wanting to spend time with their pet. One Twitter user, @pchance8, said, “Just cancelled plans because I want to go home to hang out with my cat and knit a scarf…..I’m so ashamed right now.” Little did she know, she had nothing to be ashamed about because many people are doing the same.

Another Twitter user, @neptoonie, bailed out on events on multiple occasions just to hang out with her pet. She posted, “the amount of plans I’ve canceled to hang out with my cat is absurd.”

At least she’s sharing the truth about all of those canceled plans!

Benefits of Spending Time with Your Pet

By taking care of and spending time with their pet, people are benefitting themselves, as well. Studies show that pets benefit both the mental and physical health of humans.

Even with the extra work they require, the benefits outweigh the time spent. Most pet owners even enjoy the time that is spent caring for their pets, so it isn’t a sacrifice at all. Some of the benefits of having a pet include:

You Will Get More Exercise

Having pets (especially a dog) will help you improve your physical health by forcing you to get more exercise. Dogs need exercise, so they need to be taken on walks. This forces you to get out and to move regularly.

Unsurprisingly, people are more likely to go for a walk with their dog than with another human. This makes pet owners more likely to get the recommended amount of exercise each day. So, if you are struggling to get enough exercise and you don’t have a dog already, consider adopting one.

Lower Stress Levels and Alleviate Symptoms of Depression

Spending time with a pet can help lower stress levels by causing a decrease in cortisol levels in humans. If cortisol levels are too high, it can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. Petting and playing with animals can cause cortisol to decrease significantly, and it lessens stress.

Those who spend time around animals experienced a decrease in their depression symptoms, as well. Aside from the decreased cortisol levels, this is likely to do with animals making a human feel like they aren’t alone and isolated. Plus, the physical activity that animals require can help treat depression.

Reduce Blood Pressure and the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

With less stress and more exercise, your blood pressure is bound to decrease—the decrease in cortisol levels mentioned before help with lowering blood pressure, too. With a mix of decreased stress levels and increased amounts of exercise, your heart health will drastically improve.

Your risk of heart attacks will decrease, as well, partly because of the decrease in blood pressure. Additionally, having a pet, especially a cat, can help reduce your risk of stroke. It isn’t confirmed whether this is because of the decrease in stress or if there is another reason, however.

pet ownersFinal Thoughts on Pet Owners Share the Truth About Why They Cancelled Plans

Canceled plans happen, and it is to be expected once in a while. You did not expect that reason to be for someone to hang out with their pet. You know now, however, as many pet owners are admitting to it.

Whatever the reason people choose to stay home with their pets is, they are benefiting not only their pets but also themselves. Pets offer many benefits to their owners, just like their owners offer benefits to them.

So, the next time you (or a friend) cancels plans to hang out with a pet, don’t feel bad. Just remember all the work pets require and how beneficial they are in their owner’s lives. It’s normal, and most pet owners cancel plans often to hang out with the pet.