phony people

10 Things Phony People Say to Appear Trustworthy

Here’s how fake people have a way of gaining unearned trust.

Have you ever met someone who seemed too good to be true? Chances are, you’ve encountered phony people trying to appear more trustworthy than they actually are. 

We live in a world where first impressions matter. Worse yet, social media can craft any narrative, making recognizing the signs of inauthenticity crucial. 

By understanding the behaviors and statements of phony people, we can better navigate our relationships and interactions. Read on to learn the behaviors that reveal phone people and the words they use to gain unearned trust.

Five Things That Drive the Behavior of Phony People

Recognizing these behaviors is the first step in identifying phony people. As we further explore the specific things they say to appear trustworthy, it becomes even more evident how important it is to be vigilant and discerning.

phony people

Phony People Often Have a Desire for Acceptance

Many of us desire to fit in and be part of a group. However, phony people take this to an extreme, often acting out of character or adopting popular opinions just to be accepted. For instance, someone might pretend to love a particular music genre just because it’s the current trend, even if they’ve never listened.

Phony People May Fear Rejection

The fear of being judged or rejected can be paralyzing. Phony people, driven by this fear, might hide their true selves. Instead, they present a version they believe is more acceptable or likable. This could manifest as someone hiding their true feelings about a topic to avoid confrontation.

Phoney People Have a Basic Lack of Self-awareness

Not fully understanding or accepting oneself can lead individuals to put on a facade. Without self-awareness, it’s easy to drift into roles that don’t align with one’s true self. For example, someone might project confidence outwardly while battling deep-seated insecurities – especially in a romantic relationship.

Phony People Might Crave Power or Control 

Some phony people manipulate perceptions to appear more credible in social or professional settings. By appearing more trustworthy or competent than they are, they aim to control situations or people. This behavior might look like someone exaggerating their achievements to gain respect in a work environment.

Phony People Often Have Profound Insecurity and Low Self-esteem

Overcompensation is a common trait among those with low self-esteem. Phony people might amplify certain aspects of their personality or achievements, hoping to overshadow their insecurities. A faker person might boast about their wealth or connections. But they know deep down that they are not as affluent or well-connected as they claim.

10 Things Phony People Say to Appear Trustworthy

As we explore what phony people say to appear trustworthy, remember that actions often speak louder than words. An awareness of these phrases can help you differentiate between genuine individuals and those trying to deceive you.

Here are the words that reveal inauthentic people use to earn trust with little effort.

1. “I’ve been there too.”

Using empathy can be a genuine way to connect with others. However, phony people often use this phrase even if they haven’t experienced the situation firsthand. It’s a tactic to create a bond quickly. A trustworthy, authentic person does not “force” the connection – they allow it to build naturally.

For instance, when someone shares a personal struggle, a phony individual might chime in with “I’ve been there too,” even if their experiences are vastly different or nonexistent. This false empathy can be misleading and diminish the original person’s feelings or experiences.

2. “Trust me, I never lie.”

Genuine trust builds over time and through actions, not just words. Phony people, however, might emphasize their honesty without being prompted. It’s as if they’re trying to convince not just the listener. Instead, they are trying to self-validate their worth, as well. 

For example, in a discussion about a controversial topic, they might interject with “Trust me, I never lie,” even when no one questioned their honesty.

phony people

3. “Everyone says I’m the best at…”

Vague endorsements are a classic sign of someone trying to boost their credibility without concrete evidence. Phony people often resort to general and unspecified praises. That’s because they try to make themselves appear more competent or likable. 

Imagine someone in a group setting claiming, “Everyone says I’m the best at giving advice.” But you notice how no one in the group has ever sought their counsel.

4. “I heard from a very reliable source…”

Information is power, and phonies know this. By claiming insider knowledge from a “reliable source,” they aim to elevate their status in a conversation. However, these sources are often unnamed or unverifiable. They cannot name the source because it is bogus. Not that they’ll admit it.

For instance, someone might justify a rumor about a colleague. They bring it up by saying, “I heard from a very reliable source,” without ever revealing who that source is.

5. “I always put others before myself.”

Genuine selflessness is admirable. Yet, it can be a red flag when inauthentic people constantly highlight their sacrifices or good deeds without being asked. They might use this claim to mask ulterior motives. It might also be a way to seek validation. 

For example, in a discussion about weekend plans, a phony individual might interject with, “I always put others before myself. I spent my entire weekend helping at the community center,” even if the conversation didn’t warrant such a revelation.

6. “I’m just like you.”

Creating common ground can be a genuine way to bond with someone. However, phony people might use this phrase to forge a connection based on superficial or non-existent similarities. 

For instance, upon learning that someone enjoys hiking, a phony person might quickly respond with “I’m just like you, I love hiking!” even if they’ve never set foot on a trail. This mimicry can be a tactic to gain trust or favor.

7. “I have nothing to gain from this.”

Fake people often use this statement to present themselves as selfless or altruistic. By claiming they have no ulterior motives, they aim to appear more trustworthy. However, in many cases, they might have hidden agendas. 

For example, someone might promote a particular product or idea, emphasizing that they “have nothing to gain from this.”  But in reality, they might benefit indirectly.

8. “I’ve always been consistent.”

Consistency can be a sign of reliability. Yet, when phony people overemphasize their consistency, it might be a cover for past inconsistencies or mistakes. 

For instance, when confronted about a change in their stance on an issue, they might defensively claim, “I’ve always been consistent,” even when evidence suggests otherwise.

9. “I’m an open book.”

Transparency is a virtue. However phony people might use this claim as a smokescreen. By offering some personal information or stories, they give the illusion of being open while evading deeper or more pertinent questions. 

For example, when asked about their professional background, they might divert by sharing a personal anecdote, asserting that they’re “an open book,” yet never truly addressing the original query.

10. “I’ve done my research.”

Knowledge can be a powerful tool for establishing credibility. Phony people, however, might use this phrase to shut down questions or challenges, even if their “research” is shallow or biased. 

For instance, in a debate, they might make a claim and back it up by simply stating, “I’ve done my research,” without providing any sources or details.

Recognizing these statements and understanding their motivations can be instrumental in navigating interactions with phony people. Instead, you must trust your instincts and seek out genuine connections. You deserve to surround yourself with authentic, trustworthy individuals who enrich your life.

How to Shield Your Energy From Phony People

  • First, it’s essential to remember that everyone, at some point, might exhibit one or more of the behaviors or sayings mentioned above. It doesn’t necessarily label them as fakes. We all have moments of insecurity or a desire to fit in. The key is to look for patterns and consistency in behavior. 
  • Trust your instincts. Our gut feelings – intuition – can often pick up on inauthenticity even before our conscious mind does. If something feels off or too good to be true, it’s worth approaching with extreme caution.
  • Open communication can also be a powerful tool. If you’re unsure about someone’s intentions or authenticity, engage them in a conversation. Genuine individuals will likely appreciate your effort to understand them better, while phony people might become defensive or evasive.
  • Lastly, surround yourself with genuine individuals who value authenticity as much as you do. By fostering real connections and relationships, you protect yourself from the pitfalls of phony interactions. You also enrich your life with meaningful bonds.


Final Thoughts on Identifying Phony People 

Understanding the complex web of human interactions requires discernment. That’s because we live in an age where appearances can be deceiving. Phony people can be challenging to spot with their fake narratives and rehearsed authenticity. However, understanding their motivations and recognizing the signs can make a difference.

So, while phony people might be a reality of life, they don’t have to dictate our experiences or relationships. They are not actually trustworthy – and you deserve better! With awareness, understanding, and a commitment to authenticity, we can manage our interactions with confidence and clarity.