
Female Airline Pilot Explains How She Pursued Her Dreams

Lindy, a 27-year-old female airline pilot, obtained her flying license at age twenty. She travels worldwide and sees beautiful places such as Greece, Italy, and Cape Town, South Africa. From a young age, she knew she wanted to become a pilot when she got older.

“I had always loved flying, and I admired the pilots when I saw them walking in the airport, but I never thought it was possible for me to become a pilot,” Lindy said. “So, I kept the idea of becoming a pilot somewhere in the back of my head, and the spark was reignited when at age 15, with school, I visited the career fair.”

That day, something inside told her to visit the flight school booth. Her passion for flying never disappeared, and she felt the calling to pursue her dream. Plus, it seemed like perfect timing that a flight school had decided to attend the career fair.

“There was nothing that made my heart beat faster than the stand of the Flight Academy. I expressed to the people that were operating the stand my concerns about the flight training being difficult and expensive,” Lindy explained. “They told me that it was possible to take a loan from the bank and fund the flight training this way, paying it back as soon as you start working.”

Lindy took the plunge, deciding to enroll in flight school

“I started to do a lot of research; at some point, I found one school that I felt very positive about, and it was in Madrid. I was 17 years old at the time, and I traveled alone to Madrid to go for the selection process. It was three days full of tests, simulators, and a medical exam.”

She anxiously awaited the results of the tests, hoping she’d passed all of them. Lindy may have been young then, but she knew what she wanted. Nothing excited her more than the idea of becoming a pilot. Luckily, she got the answer she’d been waiting for.

“After a few weeks, I got the results that I was accepted to flight school. At age 18, I finished all my exams at high school, and I moved to Spain for two years to become a pilot. I loved every part of flight school. We had theory classes – we had to study hard – but the theory training was combined with flight training.”

Flying a plane may seem fun, but it’s more complicated than it looks. Becoming a good pilot takes years of training and learning the controls. Plus, the lives of all the passengers are in your hands, so you must know what you’re doing. However, you learn all the ropes in flight school, so you have all the knowledge you need as a pilot.


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“This was a very practical and efficient approach because everything we learned in class we could put into practice during our flights. One of my first amazing memories was my first solo flight, and I believe that if you ask any pilot about their first solo flight, you will hear a love story,” Lindy says.

Flying alone for the first time reassured Lindy she’d made the right choice

“I remember that I was repeating to myself all the procedures. I really needed some courage, and as I rolled over the runway and lifted, I looked up to the right side, and the seat was empty,” Lindy recalled. “There was no instructor, and it was really me flying the plane. This is such a powerful feeling that I think I will never forget.”

After that flight, Lindy knew she’d chosen the right career path. She dreamed of becoming a pilot as a young girl, anyway. She couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

There’s no better feeling than seeing the world from 30,000 feet in the air and seeing new places. Not many careers out there allow you to travel constantly and explore new countries, after all!

Lindy hopes that anyone wanting to become a pilot will get inspired by her story. She proves that if you set your mind to something, you have the power to accomplish it. She knew exactly what she wanted and didn’t let anything stop her from achieving it.

Lindy says this:

“In the course of two years, I finished all the exams, and I had my very own flying license in my hand. My goals for the future would be to especially keep enjoying what I do; I think this is the most important career goal. My advice for you if you’d like to become a pilot is to go for it; don’t get discouraged if things don’t go as planned. Stay motivated; where there’s a will, there’s a way. And, you get to see the world from the most amazing angle. It is, in my opinion, the best job in the world.”


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Lindy even runs a blog about her travels and answers questions about becoming a pilot as well. If you’re interested in going to flight school to get your license, check out her page. There, you’ll find all the information you need, from choosing a school to landing a job as a pilot! Lindy says on her site: “Get on board, follow my page, and get motivated to follow your dreams!”

Final thoughts about a 27-year-old female airline pilot who followed her passions

Lindy proves to the world that anyone can follow their dreams if they never give up. Staying persistent and remembering your goal will help you achieve whatever you want in life. As long as you give 100%, you’ll get where you want to go in time.

We hope this story inspires you to become a pilot if that’s what you desire. However, no matter your dreams, Lindy shows us that anything’s possible if you believe. So here’s to your happiness and success in whatever you choose to do in life!