
Why Pisces Is The Most Difficult Sign To Understand

Pisces have an imaginative, emotional disposition, often keeping their thoughts hidden from the world. They are gentle, loving, caring folks with a heart of gold but can easily get trapped by their conflicting emotions and thoughts. They live inside their heads a lot and love to escape reality since they have such a deep inner world to explore. Pisces are the zodiac’s dreamers and have a strong creative streak. However, they often feel misunderstood by the people around them, and can easily become depressed if they feel their voice isn’t heard.

Pisces have a lot to offer the world, and we could learn a lot from this highly intuitive sign if we attempt to understand them.

This is the twelfth astrological sign of the zodiac that celebrates its month on the calendar between February 19th and March 20th. Pisces is a water sign associated with sensitivity, compassion, intuition, and creativity. Pisceans are often known for their empathetic nature and their ability to connect with others on an emotional level. They are imaginative and often possess artistic talents, as well as a deep appreciation for the beauty and mysteries of the world.

As with all zodiac signs, the sun sign (Pisces, in this case) is one aspect of an individual’s astrological profile. Other factors such as the moon sign, rising sign, and placements of other planets also influence a person’s unique characteristics and traits.

Why Pisces Is The Most Difficult Sign To Understand


Pisces keep to themselves a lot.

They long for people to understand them. But they don’t always have the words to express their feelings or needs. They certainly spend a lot of time in their heads. That fact makes it hard for others even to contact them. Pisces do open up eventually but give them some time. Treat them with love, respect, and understanding; you’ll have their trust in no time. They just get overwhelmed easily by the world and find solace in their creativity and imagination. Start talking about fantasy, art, or some other creative endeavor; you will see them come to life and join in the conversation!

Pisces like to escape reality quite often.

Pisces can become quickly disinterested in the modern world. That’s because it seems so regimented and exhausting to them. The world moves so fast that they have a hard time keeping up, so they often like to escape into the comfort of their thoughts. Pisces don’t mean to seem aloof or rude, but the world tires them and drains them of their inspiration. Understand this about them, and you’ll have a much easier time hanging around your Pisces friends when they enter their dream worlds.

They want to get close to people, but feel afraid of getting hurt.

Because Pisces have such a nurturing, caring nature, people often take advantage of their kindness. They want close relationships, but because they’ve been burned so much in the past, they can’t seem to rid themselves of the fear of getting hurt. If you give them a chance, however, you will open yourself up to the possibility of a beautiful, fulfilling relationship with them, whether romantic or platonic in nature.

They wear their heart on their sleeve.

Pisces are highly emotional creatures and give their heart away to whoever they feel deserves it. They fall in love easily, and because of this, they get hurt easily, too. They try to see the best in people and continue to do so even after they’ve been hurt. However, once you do get on their bad side, they will forgive but never forget. Pisces have high expectations in relationships and get let down often due to their standards. They want to believe in the good in people, but after getting burned so many times, their patience and hope start to dwindle.

The Pisces needs a lot of alone time.

Pisces get drained very easily by all the stimuli in today’s world. They need plenty of time to decompress and recharge from all the conflicting energies out there. However, they also crave connection, support, and love from others. So they need a healthy balance of alone time and social time. No matter if you’re a friend or lover of a Pisces, remember to never let them get too far away. After all, Pisces wouldn’t survive without their relationships but wouldn’t function properly without solitude. Honor their need for quiet time, and remind them that you’ll be around when they feel like coming out of their blissful sanctuary.

8 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re a Pisces

They’re highly independent.

Pisces loves close relationships, but at their core, they function best alone. The expectations in relationships can cause overwhelm them sometimes. So they need time away to recharge and focus on what makes them happy. They don’t want to alienate themselves from others. But sometimes, they don’t have the energy available for anyone but the person looking at them in the mirror. They don’t like to rely on others. Instead, they prefer to use their own resources and energy to get things done.


4 responses to “Why Pisces Is The Most Difficult Sign To Understand”

  1. Pam Adams Avatar
    Pam Adams

    OMG, That was me 100%, I mean word for word was spot on. I am positively a true born Pisces….

  2. Violet Gear Avatar
    Violet Gear

    This is me down to a T You could not have described me any clearer. My birthday is February 24th

    1. Thanks for reading; we’re glad that this article resonated with you!

  3. Devi Kiran Avatar
    Devi Kiran

    Everything stated was perfectly True 🙂 ,yes i belong to Pisces group,its my moon sign.Thanks for making effort to list out our pro’s and con’s

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