marriage mantras

15 Mantras for Couples to Have a More Positive Marriage

Mantras or affirmations for a positive marriage can strengthen your relationship and help you through hard times. These mantras will remind you of the reason you married your partner in the first place. With these reminders, you will feel happier and more fulfilled in your marriage.

Using mantras to improve your marriage can make a huge difference. Affirmations can remind you of all the positive aspects of your relationship and the reasons you are together. The phrases help keep your spouse at the forefront of your mind, ensuring a healthier relationship.

To use mantras for a more positive marriage, post some of them in areas you often see. You can write the phrases on sticky notes and put them on your mirror, desk, or anywhere else you see often. When you see these mantras frequently throughout your day, you will maintain a positive outlook on your marriage.

Fifteen Mantras for a More Positive Marriage

Share these positive mantras with your spouse so that they can choose their favorites, too. It’ll be easier when you work together to create a joyous marriage than doing it alone. As you make the affirmations a habit, you’ll notice a restoration in your relationship.

positive marriage1. I take every opportunity to learn more about my spouse.

No matter how long you’ve been with your spouse, there is always more to learn. Please pay attention to the little things, and ask questions when they mention something you haven’t heard before. Learn as much about their past as you can, but don’t stop there.

You and your partner are both constantly changing, even if you don’t recognize it right away. As you work to learn more about their past, continue learning about them in the present, too. Since you’re both constantly changing, make it a point to keep learning.

2. I look for ways to laugh with my spouse.

Laughter can bring the two of you closer together and help build a more positive marriage. When you laugh together, it eases stress and tension. It also encourages bonding and a deeper connection between the two of you.

Consider telling funny stories about memories the two of you have had. You can also watch a comedy together or listen to a funny podcast. Or, you can do something fun together that neither of you has done before, ensuring laughter as you learn.

3. I am enjoying the little things in my marriage.

It can be easy to become complacent in your marriage when there hasn’t been much excitement. Times like these are inevitable in long-term relationships, though, so learning to think beyond it is essential. Use this mantra to remind you of the little things in your marriage that make you happy.

Think of the little things that your partner does for you or your relationship. Maybe they make the coffee each morning or cook most of the meals in the evenings. Whatever little things you can think of, work to enjoy and appreciate them.

4. I respect my spouse for who they are.

At the beginning of your relationship, you might think your partner is perfect. As time goes on, though, you’ll begin to notice little quirks or differences that you aren’t fond of. When you’re married, you must respect your spouse for who they are no matter what.

If you respect your spouse for who they are, you will have a more positive marriage. Your relationship will be stronger, and your spouse is more likely to appreciate you, too.

5. I listen to my spouse before speaking in anger.

Sometimes it’s tempting to speak in anger before hearing your spouse out. If you tend to do this, try using this mantra each day to help you overcome that issue. Listening to your spouse is essential because it can help you understand their point of view.

With understanding, you can agree or talk out the problem calmly. Plus, you won’t make your spouse feel attacked and unheard.

6. I appreciate all of the things my spouse does for our marriage.

With appreciation, you can have a more positive marriage. Your spouse will feel loved, and you’ll experience happiness as you recognize all of the things your spouse does.

You might get into a funk sometimes where you feel like your spouse isn’t doing enough. This mindset causes arguments and tension, so using this positive mantra can turn it around.

7. I understand that pushing through the hard times is worthwhile.

Every marriage will experience hard times, and getting through them is all about your mindset. If you can remember that working through problems is worthwhile, you can create a more positive marriage.

When you recognize that the hard times don’t determine the value of your relationship, you will find more fulfillment. When things get hard, turn to this mantra to remind you of all that your marriage is worth.

positive marriage8. I am loyal and fully devoted to my spouse.

Marriage requires loyalty and devotion, so this mantra is essential to protecting a positive marriage. If you forget about your commitment and promise of love, your marriage can fall apart. This mantra is beneficial to both partners as it can help both sides of the relationship.

Reaffirming that you are loyal and devoted will keep your mind focused on the right thing and the right person. You won’t be as likely to drift or lose sight of what is essential in your marriage.

9. I focus on the positives in our relationship.

No relationship is perfect, despite its length or the closeness of the couple. Every couple faces relationship issues, but the difference is that some work it out while others give up. Those that work it out focus on the positive aspects of the relationship rather than the negatives.

If you and your spouse are going through hard times, this mantra can help bring back positivity and fulfillment. Repeat it each day, and if necessary, repeat it multiple times throughout the day to regroup your thoughts.

10. I decide to love my spouse each day.

Love is as much of a decision as it is an emotion. Some days you won’t feel as much love, but if you decide to love your spouse anyway, you’ll notice things go better. Plus, you will find that the feeling returns, too, once you implement the decision.

Having love in your relationship is essential all of the time, but even more so when feelings are decreasing. If you decide to love them and do things that you know will make them happy, you’ll notice more positivity. Then, your bond can strengthen, too, leading to improvement in all areas of your marriage.

11. I give my spouse the space to be an individual even as we grow together.

In a marriage, two people come together to live one life. Coming together in this way doesn’t mean you can each be an individual, though. Give your spouse the space they need to explore their hobbies and interests, and don’t discourage them.

Additionally, give your spouse space to spend time with their friends and loved ones without you always there. While you should be a part of these areas of your life, they should still have time to foster these areas of life alone. The same goes for you, as you should get the space to be an individual, too.

12. I am always working on strengthening our relationship.

If you ever feel yourself getting lazy in your relationship, this mantra is for you. By repeating this affirmation, you will remember to do things that strengthen your bond. You will be more aware of your behavior, body language, and tone, and you will recognize when you’re letting things slide.

Recognizing and addressing any issues in your attitude or effort can lead to a more positive marriage. Share this mantra with your spouse so that you can both consciously work on strengthening the relationship.

13. I forgive my spouse when they’ve made a mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes, and your partner isn’t exempt. They will mess up sometimes, do or say things they shouldn’t have, and seem thoughtless once in a while. When this happens, remember that it happens to you, too, because no one is perfect.

Give your partner grace and work on forgiving them when they mess up. If you can’t forgive them, then you will live in a constant state of tension and negativity. Work towards positivity, instead, by forgiving your spouse and moving forward together.

14. I support my spouse’s decisions.

Your spouse should have the freedom to make decisions for themselves without worrying about how you will react. If they want to change careers or make a life change, you should support that and be there for them. The same idea applies to smaller decisions, such as taking on a new hobby or not attending an event.

15. I am grateful for my spouse’s presence in my life.

When someone is a constant presence in your life, it can be easy to take them for granted. Use this mantra to help you practice gratitude for your spouse each day. With gratitude, you will feel more fulfilled, and your marriage will become more positive.

positive marriageFinal Thoughts on Mantras for Couples to Have a More Positive Marriage

Marriage isn’t always perfect, but you can work on making it better. By using mantras for a more positive union, you will improve all areas of your relationship. You and your spouse will become closer, your bond will strengthen, and you will both feel respected and fulfilled.

If you are happy with how your marriage is going, these positive marriage mantras can still help. A happy marriage requires constant work, so you must remember that it is worth every bit of it.