potassium rich

15 Potassium Rich Foods Never to Overlook

Your body needs electrolytes to help keep things in balance, and potassium is one of the most important minerals you absorb from your food. Did you know that it’s essential for your heart, brain, and kidneys? No wonder it’s the third most abundant mineral found in your system, and eating potassium rich foods is a wise choice.

When your potassium levels are deficient, it causes a severe condition called hypokalemia. According to the Cleveland Clinic, when this situation occurs, you can experience heart palpitations, severe dizziness, and headaches. While you know it’s essential to get sufficient levels of this mineral, how much do you need to stay healthy?

According to the National Institutes of Health, you need anywhere from 2,000 to 3,400 milligrams each day. Your age and weight dictate your exact needs. If you cannot get enough of this mineral through your foods, then you should take supplements.

15 Potassium Rich Foods

Thankfully, you shouldn’t need to turn to supplements when you learn what to eat to boost your levels. Here are 15 amazing foods that are potassium rich and can help you stay healthy.

potassium rich1. Avocado

The avocado has certainly become popular in recent years. While it’s one of the fruits with higher calories, around 300, its potassium content is outstanding. Eating one of these green queens will give you almost 1,000 milligrams.

Another advantage of this fruit is that it’s full of monounsaturated fatty acids, essential for heart health. People always think that a banana has more potassium, but this proves that the avocado reigns supreme when it comes to this vital mineral. Avocado toast, anyone? Why not try some new recipes with this healthy fruit?

2. Prunes

While you might need to stay next to the bathroom when eating prunes, the over 280 milligrams of potassium may be worth it. These little purple wonders are about 100 calories each, and they are a great source of vitamins, specifically A. This small fruit can help keep you regular and is entirely hidden in a delicious smoothie.

3. Banana

Who doesn’t love a banana? They are one of the most versatile fruits as they can be used in so many recipes. You can even make pancakes out of them. The potassium rich nature of this fiber-loaded fruit cannot be ignored.

One large banana will give you around 480 milligrams of potassium, and they are not too bad on calories at around 120. They are the best addition to oatmeal, smoothies, yogurt, or even ice cream.

4. White Beans

You may be shocked to learn that white beans have a whopping 3,600 milligrams of potassium. Not only are they rich in this mineral, but they’re a great source of fiber and folate too. They can help with your brain and digestive system, and they are excellent for a pregnant mother to consume.

5. Beet Greens

Okay, so most people don’t rush to the store to buy beet greens, but it’s certainly worth considering. Did you know that just one cup of these greens can have over 1,300 milligrams of potassium?

Not only are they potassium rich, but these greens are full of zinc, which will help give you gorgeous locks and strengthen your immunity. Just add a heaping helping to your next sandwich or salad.

6. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are an excellent substitution for regular spuds, and you won’t mind making the switch due to their low glycemic index and high fiber content. If you consume one cup of these orange taters, you will get over 440 milligrams of potassium.

Additionally, they only have around 100 calories and are great for people with diabetes, monitoring their sugar intake. There’s nothing better than some cinnamon on one of these roasted goodies. Who says dessert must be bad for you?

7. Salmon

If you consume around three ounces of salmon, then you will get over 380 milligrams of potassium. Wild-caught salmon is so good for you because it’s full of omega-3s.

If you need to keep inflammation at bay and improve your heart and brain, then bake a fillet with some grains and vegetables. This is a meal that any dietician would approve.

avocado8. Spinach

Spinach is one vegetable that is so versatile. It can be used to make a salad, add a sandwich, or mix it in a smoothie for a vibrant pop of green color. However, the health benefits are outstanding. Just one cup of this leafy green has around 165 milligrams of potassium, and it only has about five calories.

In addition to being potassium rich, this green is an excellent source of iron. Iron is just as crucial as potassium, and it can help with anemia and fatigue, and it helps keep your hair healthy.

9. Carrot Juice

While it may not get as much attention as apple or cranberry juice, carrot juice is the right choice. You’ve probably heard that these orange veggies are good for eye health, but did you know that they have antioxidants that can help you fight cancer?

If you drank just one cup of this orange elixir, then you would get over 680 milligrams of potassium. While it’s low in calories, they have a bit of sugar in them, so try to limit your servings to keep your carbs in check.

10. Yogurt

While yogurt is right for you, it’s essential to watch the type you buy. You want to get a plain variety that is made with whole milk. The sugary blends won’t do you any good.

Yogurt is high in calcium and has over 350 milligrams of potassium in one cup. You can use this dairy product to make sauces, ice cream type treats, or even have it as a meal. Add some strawberries, bananas, and a kiwi, and you have a real treat.

11. Dried Apricots

Dried apricots may have a bit more sugar than fresh ones, but the potassium levels are around 65 milligrams each. That’s a good amount of minerals for such a little food. Additionally, they are the perfect addition to things like oatmeal or your morning smoothie.

12. Pomegranate

Pomegranates have such a delightful flavor. These unusual fruits are loaded with antioxidants as well as flavanols. They can help you with inflammation, arthritis, and even assist in improving memory.

With over 650 milligrams of potassium in one fruit, why not toss some of their seeds in your oatmeal or yogurt. They also go well with a smoothie. What a perfect fruit to add to any snack in between meals.

13. Swiss Chard

These kale-like greens are known for their sweet, peppery taste. They’re getting quite a bit of attention these days for their anti-aging effects as they have an abundance of antioxidants.

When it comes to brain health, it’s a great option to assist. This leafy green has a high betalain level, which is known to give your brain a boost. It’s best to put this veggie in a salad or to use it in a soup.

14. Coconut Water

Okay, it’s not a food, but coconut water is derived from a fantastic fruit versatile. If you need to lower your blood sugar levels, then pour yourself a glass of this natural remedy. It’s also known to help with cholesterol levels too.

Just one cup of this water can give you over 600 milligrams of potassium. With a mere 40 calories in that cup, you can drink up without the guilt.

15. Acorn Squash

Many people avoid squash as they’re not sure what to do with them. However, squash is excellent sautéed with some other veggies as well as made into a soup. Since one cup of this veggie has over 890 grams of potassium, it’s worth the recipe hunt to see how to incorporate them.

Not only are they minerally efficient, but they also have loads of fiber and antioxidants.

potassium richFinal Thoughts on Potassium Rich Foods

It’s easy to see a wide variety of foods that you can use to boost your potassium levels. The benefits of getting the proper amount of this nutrient are vital. It helps with your heart health, can reduce inflammation and cramping, can help prevent osteoporosis, and can help your body better absorb nutrients from your foods.

There’s really no need for anyone to be deficient in this mineral when the potassium rich food options are limitless. Get creative and use a few foods from this list to incorporate into your daily meal planning. The chances are that you can add many of them without your family, even knowing it.

Who says getting healthy must be boring? You can really enhance your smoothies, oatmeal, or salads with many of these options.