
Why You Should Put A Lemon Next to Your Bed Every Night, According to Science

It’s quite amazing how many uses there are for foods – especially fruits and vegetables – besides eating them. The uses for lemon are no exception. (Citrus fruits are probably the most cited of all foods regarding alternative uses.) Whether it’s part of a cleaning solution, homemade beauty product, or toothpaste, lemon is one of the most versatile fruits out there.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the benefits of placing a lemon next to your bed. We’ll also talk about how to cut your lemon so you can get the best use out of it.

Let’s get started!

First, lemons pack an incredible amount of nutrients; this gives the fruit its wonderful health benefits. Combine the high concentration of nutrients with the benefits of aromatherapy, and it’s a no-brainer!

Here are some health benefits of placing a lemon next to your bed:


1. Better breathing

Lemon is loaded with antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties. These properties may help explain why the fruit appears to help people breathe easier.

Individuals with asthma or who are stricken with a cold may find that keeping a lemon next to the bed opens up their lung pathways. While much of the scientific evidence on this effect is anecdotal, it makes sense from an elemental standpoint.

2. Improving air quality

All you probably know, lemon gives off a powerful aroma, so the area around your bed is probably going to smell a bit more pleasant.

What many people don’t know is that lemon may indeed improve air quality. This characteristic is attributed to the lemon’s detoxification properties.

3. Pain relief

Midwives and obstetricians sometimes use essential oils for pain relief during childbirth. Furthermore, the University of Maryland Medical Center, citing one study, states “pregnant women felt less anxiety and fear, had a stronger sense of well-being, and had less need for pain medications during delivery.”

Additional studies found that people with cancer, headaches, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) require fewer pain medications when using aromatherapy.

4. Stress relief

Aromatherapists have labeled lemon as a “stress-buster” (well, not those exact words) for thousands of years – and for a good reason.

Lemons are known to aid in serotonin production. Serotonin is the brain’s “happy” chemical; in fact, most prescription anti-depressants target serotonin receptors. Additionally, serotonin is responsible for regulating anxiety and mood – and it may help in this regard.

5. Reducing blood pressure

Lemon balm, an essential oil, is known for increasing blood circulation and lowering blood pressure. While a natural lemon is not an essential oil, it makes sense that some of the effects would carry over.

As with better breathing and improved air quality, much of the science on this is anecdotal and requires more study. However, given how we’re inundated with BP prescription drugs, it certainly doesn’t hurt to give this a try.

6. Repelling insects

Insects – especially ants and mosquitoes – hate the smell.

While the passage specifically mentions peels, an open lemon exposes the pests to citrus which is the primary objective.

How to Cut a Lemon

If you’re a chef or cook, you can probably skip this rudimentary “lemon-cutting” lesson! Anyways, for the rest of us, here’s how to cut a “standing” correctly.

First, grab a small plate or cutting board.

Second, hold it lengthwise (top-down) in your non-cutting hand.

Third, cut about three-quarters of the way down the center. Rotate the fruit ninty degrees and repeat. (Please be careful not to cut yourself.)

If it doesn’t stand (which it probably won’t), cut off enough of the opposite end so that it stays flat.