man in love

Researchers Explain 6 Reasons Why A Man Falls In Love

What is it that makes a man fall in love with a woman?

Who is the type of woman that a man falls in love with? Women all over the world have been trying to figure this out. Popular society’s opinion makes it seems like men don’t fall for women the same way that women fall for men. Of course, that’s not true.

Relationship Coach Bobbi Palmer says, “A man falls in love when he feels like he could be a super hero with you in his life. When he feels accepted, appreciated and understood, and knows he can make you happy…he will be yours. Oh…and throw in that he thinks you’re hot!”

Women and men have the same emotions, and men will fall for women in their own unique way. Researchers have finally pinpointed several reasons men fall head over heels with women.

NOTE: We address the reasons why women fall head over heels in a separate article.

Here Are 6 Reasons Why A Man Falls In Love With Someone

“You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.” – Albert Einstein

1. He’s captivated by the whole package

The entire woman often enamors men. Her looks, personality, voice, and laughter – when men fall, they’re first captivated by the entirety of the woman.

The former CEO of eHarmony Grant Langston says, “The answer doesn’t sound sexy, but a man falls in love when his feelings for a woman reach a critical mass. He spends time with her and he sees that she is kind, loving, affectionate, loyal, fun, sexy, and of a positive spirit in quantities that reach a certain weight. One day he thinks, ‘Wow, I love this woman.’ He may not know why, but his mind/heart have taken a look at her in an in-depth way.”

Men very rarely fall for individual parts of the woman before falling in love with all of her. Even the individual woman’s scent is part of the allure for the man falling head over heals.

2. He feels he can make her happy

One of the reasons that men fall in love with women is that he feels like he can make her happy. Men and women want the same thing when it comes to love. When a man looks at a woman, he feels he can bond with her. When two people bond, they can make one another happy – and when men feel like they can make a woman happy, they also feel like she can make him happy.

3. He falls in love when she’s open to love

As much as the media loves to push the idea of women playing hard to get, men fall in love with women who are much more open to the idea of love. Women who know what they want in a partner and who they are as a lover are the type of women that men fall in love with.

“The things that makes a man fall in love really boil down to is a deep emotional connection. When you feel comfortable with being open and vulnerable with someone, you’re likely falling in love. Human beings as a whole need to feel connected to someone in order to let the walls down around them. We can only really feel anything, including love, when the walls are down,” says dating coach James Preece.

Men don’t want to fall for a woman who makes it hard to love her. Researchers find that men are more open to women who are open to them.

4. The way he feels around her

Men fall head over heels with a woman because of how he feels. When he’s around a woman, and he feels warm, happy, and full of love, it’s very easy for him to fall head over heels in love. When she makes him feel accepted and validated in his emotions, it’s precisely the feeling that makes him feel ready to take it to the next step. Men like to feel accepted and loved the same way that women do.

relationship quote

5. She says “Yes” to life

What’s better to a man than a woman who is ready to say “yes” to all the things life offers? She wants to try new and exotic foods, explore new places and travel to new cities and countries.

“Finding a person who fits into his life without huge disruptions is important. Men may like to ogle high-maintenance women, but they’re not the women they marry. A willingness to say, ‘Yes, I’ll try that’—whether it’s trying exotic food he likes, sports he plays, places he wants to go—makes a man fall hard,” says editor Cathleya Schroeckenstein.

Women who aren’t ready to explore new things aren’t the kinds of women who men fall head over heels with.

6. He falls in love with her purpose and passion

Men who fall in love with a woman fall in love with both the passion and purpose that she feels for life and the passion and purpose that he feels when he is with her. When a man falls in love with a woman, he becomes filled with passion, and the more passion he feels, the more love he feels. When a woman feels purpose in life, men can envision living that life right alongside of her – which makes them fall in love.

Final thoughts on why a man falls in love

Many women are often left with the question of what causes men to fall hard, wanting to use those answers to embody those traits. Men’s emotions are often shrouded in mystery because men aren’t encouraged to express them by society. Of course, any man knows that isn’t true, and women often find out that men feel just as deeply as they do. This is why researchers have found the reasons that cause men to fall head over heels in love with women.