reduce viral infections

20 Easy Ways to Reduce Viral Infections and Bacteria

If there was a way that you could boost your immunity to reduce viral infections, would you do it? You are exposed to contaminants daily as you go about your life. Some toxins will result in sickness, while others won’t affect you. It all depends on your immune system.

When it’s working as it should, you won’t notice all the dangers lurking in the air around you. Nevertheless, when it’s not operating properly, then you can develop serious health problems. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and talking about how to boost your immune system.

While it can be done, it’s not going to happen overnight. Strengthen your body’s immune response takes hard work and lifestyle changes. The best way to accomplish this is by using antimicrobial and antiviral herbs, changing your lifestyle, and eating the right things. These changes have immune-boosting effects that help your body to combat germs.

Common Immune Conditions

Many conditions can result from your immune system being out of whack. Some of the most common disorders stem from an overactive or underactive immune system. Having these might heighten your risk of catching a “bug:”

reduce viral infections•Allergies

Many people have allergies, but few realize that they are immune-related. When you’re around harmless environmental things, like grass or cats, your body overacts to the allergens. The headaches, dripping nose, and watery eyes are all immune response.


Asthma and allergies run together. With asthma, allergies that trigger the body cause the airways to close, inhibiting breathing. It can also cause you to have a chronic cough when exposed to irritants too.

•Autoimmune Diseases

When you have an autoimmune disease, your body attacks healthy cells and tissues. It’s an immune response that is not fully understood. You see this in conditions like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

•Immune Deficiency Disorders

An immune deficiency disorder occurs when the immune system is deficient in one or more of its working parts. The lack of functional interest causes it to react too slowly to a threat.

The most practical health problems from this defect are HIV/AIDs. Sadly, some of the impairments to your immune system can allow pathogens to enter the body, which causes infections. Many of these infections can be deadly. One should be careful of STDs and HIV. Thankfully, there are now HIV Prevention programs that can help people at risk of getting infected.

Twenty Ways to Reduce Viral Infections

Your immunity is vital to your overall health and well-being. Here are some essential oils, foods, and practices you can observe to improve things.

1. Vitamin C Foods

Why do you think people drink orange juice when they’re sick? Oranges are a citrus fruit full of vitamin C. Oranges aren’t the only fruit that can improve your immunity; try eating pineapple, mangos, honeydew, guava, and black currants. When you get a common cold or a more serious condition like bronchitis, try reaching for some fruits rather than cough syrup.

2. Oregano

Oregano oil has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. But it can also easily fight infections. Oregano has carvacrol and thymol in it, which has substantial antimicrobic assets. Bacteria doesn’t stand a chance with this potent essential oil.

3. Garlic

Garlic has long been used as a natural antibiotic. No wonder it keeps vampires away with its potent smell. It’s considered a superfood because it’s packed with nutrients. Garlic could improve those with cancer and keep it at bay for others.

4. Myrrh

To reduce viral infections, why not try myrrh? Did you know that it’s the most widely used of all the essential oils in the world? It can stop a fever as well as clean wounds. It also has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties.

5. Take Protective Measures

You must be proactive if you don’t want to get sick. You can reduce viral infections by wearing a mask, washing your hands, and staying a reasonable distance away from people during cold and flu season.

6. Green Tea

To reduce viral infections, you might want to incorporate green tea into your day. There have been many studies that have proven that this fragrant tea has both antioxidant and antifungal properties. It can help strengthen your immunity and fight germs when you’re sick.

7. Exercise May Reduce Viral Infections

If you want to strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of viral infections, you need to exercise. All you need is 20 minutes a day, three times a week. Not only will it help your immunity, but it will also boost your feel-good brain chemicals.

spread joy
These health care workers spread joy for others during the pandemic by making dancing videos.

8. Probiotics

Leaky gut is a relatively new condition that’s getting much attention. It can cause your immune system to weaken, food sensitivities, and autoimmune disorders within the body. However, probiotic foods help to detoxify your colon, and it helps your immunity.

Probiotics supply your gut with good bacteria that can help you with a disease caused by weakened immunity. If you want to reduce viral infections, start with your gut health first.

9. Ginseng

From the root to the fruit, this plant can help to fight infections and boost immunity. This plant also has antimicrobial compounds that can help you keep both viral and bacterial infections at bay.

The American Journal of Chinese Medicine posted a study showing that taking ginseng effectively stimulates antigen-precise antibody reactions. These antibodies smother the poisons and infections in your body, preventing them from invading your healthy cells.

10. Echinacea

Did you know that this herb has potent immune system stimulants in it? No wonder it provides such significant therapeutic value. Naturopaths use this herb to treat reoccurring infections.

11. Bone Broth

Don’t confuse stock and broth, as they’re two different things. Bone broth is excellent for your immunity as well as gut health. It’s known to help with leaky gut syndrome and boost your immune system. It tastes great in soups, sauces, or many other recipes.

12. Beta-Carotene Foods

When you think of beta-carotene, you think of carrots and eye health. However, lots of fruits and veggies have this nutrient, and it does more than improve your eyes. Add pumpkin, sweet potatoes, apricots, kale, spinach, and red bell peppers to your diet to improve your immune system.

Look for color when it comes to shopping. Anything with bright orange or red colors has an abundance of beta-carotene.

13. Elderberry May Reduce Viral Infections

Many people express surprise when they learn that the elderberry plant’s berries and flowers can be used medicinally. Shockingly, herbalists relied on this plant for thousands of years. At one time, it was considered the “go-to” for helping the immune system.

14. Reduce Stress

Stress weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to getting sick. You can have a heart attack, stroke, or get extremely ill from stress. If you can’t reduce the stress, then use exercise and healthy eating to help combat it.

15. Vitamin D

The Massachusetts General Hospital studied the importance of vitamin D and respiratory health. They found that insufficient-level participants were more apt to suffer from infections.

Vitamin D can be absorbed naturally in the sun; you can eat foods enriched with it or take a supplement. It’s a vitamin level that you don’t want to drop too low.

16. Astragalus Root

Astragalus is one of the plants used for centuries as part of traditional Chinese medicine. This plant can fight disease as well as boost your immunity. It’s favored over immunosuppressants and chemotherapeutics as it has fewer side effects and is just as potent.

17. Improve Sleep

Your body needs adequate sleep to restore all the damage done during the day. Your cells are repaired during the night, and your immune system works hard to clean out any bacteria or viruses you’ve been exposed to. When you don’t get enough rest, your immune system becomes damaged and run down.

18. Ginger

Ginger is one pungent herb, but healers noted its use throughout history. Practitioners believe that ginger helps to remove toxins that get into the organs. If you’ve ever tasted ginger, you know it has a real warming effect.

It also provides a scrub brush to your lymphatic system to remove waste, poisons, and other harmful materials.

19. Zinc

Zinc is a mineral that’s getting a lot of attention when fighting infections. It also helps with the common cold and reduces the buildup of bacteria in the body.

20. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Some alcohol, like red wine, is right for you in small doses. However, there is no nutritional value in alcohol, and it can destroy your liver. Drink no more than two drinks a week to promote immune system health.

reduce viral infectionsFinal Thoughts on Taking These Steps to Reduce Viral Infections

To reduce viral infections, you must boost your immunity. Your immune system is composed of cells, organs, and proteins that defend the body from foreign invaders. When functioning as it should, you won’t notice when you encounter viruses and bacteria.

However, if your system becomes compromised, then you will get sick. Thankfully, you have a strong defense when you use herbs, minerals, food, and plants to boost your immunity and fight infections.