rescue dog

Rescue Dog With a Hilarious Obsession With Sticks

Snoop, aka The Big Snoop Dog, is best known on the Internet for having a strange obsession with sticks, big or small. Snoop is full of personality and has a loving home, but it wasn’t always this way. His owner Elliott first came across him back in October 2015 when he was living on the streets with a homeless man. He was very underweight and tied to a metal gate when Elliott first saw this rescue dog.

He said the homeless man was shouting, “Anyone got a home for a dog?!” Elliott knew then that he had to take Snoop home with him. He went up to the man and told him he’d take Snoop, and the rest is history. His breed is a boxer crossed with Bullmastiff, with a little bit of Staff in the mix as well. Elliott says the dog has made a big positive impact on his life.

“He makes me laugh every single day, cause whenever we go out for walks, he carries the biggest sticks you can imagine,” Elliot says. “They’re basically tree branches, not sticks. He’s also a really loving, calm and gentle dog.”


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Snoop is a homebody

He adds that when Snoop is home, he sleeps quite a bit. In his sleep, you can tell he’s chasing rabbits or carrying big sticks because his feet are constantly moving! Elliott said his favorite memory of him and Snoop was their first day together. His girlfriend had no idea he was bringing home a dog that day, and he wanted to surprise her.

He put Snoop in the living room and shut the door, and then went to find his girlfriend, Abby. When she opened the door, she instantly fell in love with Snoop. And, she

Elliott says his advice is that if you’re looking to get a pet, you should think about adopting rather than buying one. “There are millions of pets out there, similar to Snoop that aren’t so fortunate and need to be given a better life.”

Luckily, Snoop found an amazing new home and has loving owners who enjoy every memory they make with him. If you look at his Instagram, it seems like he has a stick in his mouth during every outdoor adventure. His reputation for picking up huge sticks as large as tree branches definitely gets some laughs out of Elliott, Abby, and anyone else passing by!


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Self-care, rescue dog style

He also really enjoys mud baths, jumping in any muddy puddle that crosses his path. Sure, it may make bath time a little longer and more tedious, but his owners love seeing him happy, so they don’t mind. Getting him into the tub is a whole ordeal, though! (He doesn’t seem to like regular baths too much, only mud ones).

It’s amazing to see how much this dog has grown since his days on the streets. Snoop is an active, happy, friendly dog who loves going on adventures with Abby and Elliott. Based on his pictures, he seems to really love days at the beach and hikes in the woods where he can find some tree branches to run around with. It seems tons of other people like keeping up with his adventures because he now has almost 40k followers on Instagram.

About the breed

Boxer enthusiasts boast of their favorite breed as being upbeat, playful, and gentle dogs. Males usually weigh around 65-80 pounds, and females weigh around 15 pounds less. They are one of the most popular dog breeds for their loyal, affectionate, loving demeanor. Bullmastiffs are much bigger dogs, usually weighing around 100-130 pounds. Despite their large size, they make great family pets and protectors. Finally, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier weighs anywhere from 40-70 pounds and are known for being good-natured and confident. They are loyal, highly trainable, and have a beautiful glossy coat.


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Final thoughts on living with a rescue dog

So, Snoop has a mix of all these breeds, but you can easily see the boxer and bullmastiff in him. Now that he’s off the streets, his coat looks healthy and shiny, and he’s gained a good amount of weight. He’s average-sized for a boxer, but definitely not as large as a purebred Bullmastiff. He’s simply adorable, and his owners think so, too!

If you’ve been thinking about getting a dog, all three of these make wonderful pets. However, a boxer and Staffordshire Terrier are probably easier to care for than a Bullmastiff due to its size. Remember, no matter what dog you decide on, try to adopt it instead of going to a breeder. Many dogs are at shelters or out on the streets just waiting for someone to come along and take them home.

He’s been featured on popular sites such as The Dodo, Lad Bible, VT, and of course, us! We hope you have enjoyed reading about this beautiful dog who got a second chance at life. Have you ever gotten a rescue dog? Please share your story with us in the comments!