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Research Reveals 7 Reasons to Cuddle Every Day

Do you cuddle every day? It turns out that a good snuggle makes a positive impact on your life.

“Our skin is our security system, our sensations detector and our gateway to the world around us. Touch is the very first sense we develop in the human embryo – less than eight weeks after being conceived, an embryo is barely 2.5 centimeters long and has neither eyes nor ears, but its skin is already highly developed.” Vanessa Van Edwards: The Power and Science of Cuddling

A few things are necessary for someone to develop into a well-functioning person. Of course, food, water, and shelter are the three “essential” needs; but humans also require interaction with others. We also need touch – and we’ll explain why this is.

As Ms. Van-Edwards quoted above, skin is the first human organ to develop within the womb. A human embryo cannot see or hear but does have the sense of touch –  just eight weeks after conception. Touch is also the last sense to diminish in old age.

Premature babies provide excellent insight into the importance of touch. Consider this study undertaken by Dr. Tiffany Field, director of the department of pediatrics at the University of Miami School of Medicine:

Randomized, controlled studies have documented greater weight gain in preterm newborns receiving moderate pressure massage therapy. These include our studies on preterm newborns who received five to ten days of massage therapy and showed a 21-48% greater increase in weight gain and hospital stays of three to six days less than control infants.

In other words, premature babies – often in a delicate, unstable condition due to underdevelopment – gained nearly ¼ to ½ of their original weight due to the touch. This accelerated weight gain stabilized the newborns’ health, who could go home in less time.


Beautiful stuff.

It isn’t just babies, either. While our preference for touch may change as we age, it remains vital to the brain.

7 Reasons To Cuddle Every Day

Here we’ll discuss seven reasons to touch, cuddle and hold each other! Some of the science behind the power of touch is quite fascinating. Enjoy!

1. Cuddling releases “feel good” chemicals

Oxytocin is a versatile hormone that plays important roles in social bonding and sexual reproduction. Cuddling is one way to release this “feel good” chemical, strengthening our connection with our partner. As you’ll see later on, oxytocin also produces other pleasurable sensations.

2. Cuddling strengthens the immune system

Both love and intimate touching stimulate the release of oxytocin. When we cuddle, our bodies create a cocktail of hormones that help fight infection. Put, intimacy (especially touch and cuddling) can provide a temporary boost to the immune system.

3. Cuddling can “take it to the next step”

When we engage in touch, intimate or otherwise, the brain releases a flood of dopamine. Dopamine is the brain chemical responsible for reward-motivated behavior and feelings of well-being. A warm embrace and kiss after a long day’s work, or snuggling while watching some TV, initiates a dopamine response, which can lead to some bedroom activities.

4. Cuddling strengthens a woman’s bond

Here again, the chemical oxytocin is at play. As mentioned, oxytocin can strengthen the bond in a relationship. This same bonding mechanism also applies to a mother and her baby. Oxytocin helps new mothers in other ways, as well. First, oxytocin eases the process of breastfeeding. Second, the chemical also encourages sleep – something a new mother desperately needs!

5. Cuddling curtails stress

In a study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology (really?), researchers discovered the potent stress-reducing effects of oxytocin:

  • Oxytocin levels increase in response to a “wide variety of stressful stimuli.”
  • Suppresses physiological stress levels
  • Oxytocin lowers norepinephrine (an adrenaline precursor) and decreases blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol (stress) hormones.

These stress-relieving properties are very helpful in our relationships.

6. Cuddling eases communication with your partner

We all have incredibly stressful days when nothing seems to go right. It may be difficult to summon the energy needed to communicate with your partner on days like this. This is where cuddling comes into play.

The odds are that your partner can ably interpret when you’ve had a rough day. Instead of dwelling in your negativity, initiate physical contact with your partner. You’ll immediately feel better, your partner will love it, and your loving behavior will communicate for you.

7. Cuddling benefits your brain and body

While oxytocin is the primary chemical associated with touch, cuddling can positively impact our brain – it does so by influencing the hormones cortisol and dopamine.

When we’re stressed, the body releases cortisol (“the stress hormone.”) Cortisol decreases our cognitive abilities, increases anxiety, and causes hypertension (high blood pressure.)

Dopamine is the mirror opposite of cortisol. Dopamine, aptly labeled “the pleasure hormone,” is responsible for numerous brain functions: attention, behavior, cognition, desire, mood, and – of course – feelings of pleasure.

It’s pretty amazing what cuddling can do. Hopefully, this article encourages some couples out there to do more snuggling!

Final Thoughts on the Human Need to Cuddle

The power of touch is essential to human health from birth until death. It helps increase happiness and benefits your brain and your body. So go ahead and feel free to ask your loved ones to touch, snuggle, or hug you every day. It benefits not only your health, but theirs, as well.