romantic hugs

7 Types of Romantic Hugs That Really Show the Love

The human touch provides an essential connection between people and those they love. Infants instinctively cling to their parents at birth and soon equate it with love and security. Romantic hugs are a way for couples to connect and display their affection.

In America, greeting close friends and family with a warm hug is common. However, this benign sign of affection isn’t shared globally. According to a study published by Aalto University, the level of people’s comfort with another person’s touch varies by country, gender, and relationship.

Science and Cuddling

The hug is so entrenched in American culture that we celebrate National Hug Day on January 21st every year. Archeological evidence suggests that humans have been huggers for thousands of years. The report also mentions that the average hug lasts about 3.17 seconds.

Hugs have different meanings, the same as the word love. There’s the kinship love and hug you give to your parents and extended family. It’s different from the “side hug” you give your best friend or close coworker. Perhaps your place of worship encourages a hug of fellowship with same-gender members.

All these are genuine hugs, but they aren’t the ones of lovers. Just as you may say you “love” your grandmother or “love” your best friend, you have romantic love for your significant other. It’s the same way with your romantic hugs.

romantic hugs

Two Essential Rules for Embracing

There aren’t any ironclad rules for hugging your mate. However, you must use your intuition to know the right time to cuddle them and when to leave them alone. Even the book of Ecclesiastes 5:3 advises that there’s a time to embrace and a time to refrain from such things.

When you see that your lover had a tough day at work, your supportive hug can mean the world to them. It’s also a nonverbal affirmation that reminds them that they are “the one” and always will be. A heartfelt cuddle is soothing in the evenings and helps you both relax and enjoy each other’s company.

1. Hands Off

If you follow the ancient wisdom of King Solomon, you’ll realize when to keep your hands to yourself. If you’ve had a spat and your mate is angry with you, it’s probably not a good idea to reach out for a bear hug. It can come across as condescending, making them even more furious.

When your person is deep in thought or working toward a deadline, give them some space. You mean well by wrapping your arms around them, but it might disrupt their train of thought. Of course, if they are stressed and overwhelmed, your loving presence may be welcomed.

2. Together But Different

While many couples are bound in love by common interests, some are attracted to opposites. Even in a long, healthy relationship, teams still have their individuality. You and your partner may differ in culture, religion, and philosophy.

The relationship works because you respect each other’s opinions and preferences and compromise as needed. The hug rules require more sensitivity when a hugger loves a non-hugger. Your family may hug everyone in their path while your partner hails from a family that doesn’t display affection.

If you’re the hugger, you must respect your non-hugger’s boundaries. Allow your lover to hug or not hug as they prefer. They could be affectionate behind closed doors but are uncomfortable around others.

Romantic Hugs Are More Than Intimacy

According to an article published by CNN, most women say they want more than just physical intimacy in a relationship. They crave hugs and cuddling for assurance and a spiritual connection. Unfortunately, most men are biologically inclined to forget the romantic portion.

It’s imperative to be sensitive to your partner’s needs, both males and females. Don’t forget the gentle caresses and cuddling that say you need to be close to them. Such nonverbal communication goes a long way in a healthy relationship.

Seven Types of Romantic Hugs

Do you and your partner hug the same way every time? Learn to be spontaneous and what each type says about how you feel. These are seven types of romantic hugs to consider.

1. Eye-to-Eye Romantic Hugs

If you’ve recently fallen in love or are still crazy about your mate, this may be one of your favorite romantic hugs. Both you and your significant other are poised as if you are ready to dance. Usually, the shorter partner has their arms lifted and loosely circled the taller one’s neck and shoulders.

The hallmark of this enduring embrace is eye-to-eye contact. The loving glow in each other’s eyes mesmerizes you and your partner. Reassuring words of affection often accompany the eye-to-eye type.

2. The Loving Straddle

The straddle is perhaps one of the most intimate of romantic hugs. It’s almost complete body contact with your eyes locked in a romantic gaze. You can hug this way when your partner relaxes in a chair or the side of the bed. You sit on their knees with your legs on each side of their legs.

Since it’s such a close togetherness, the straddle is mainly reserved for private moments. However, you may get by as a public display of affection if it’s playful and not too intimate. Some embraces are best kept in the privacy of your home.

3. I’ve Got Your Back

Surprising your special someone with a romantic hug face-to-face isn’t easy. But when you cuddle them from behind, your sweet affection may make their day. The back style is done when your mate’s back is turned, and they’re often preoccupied.

You gently encircle your arms around their neck while you lean your chest against their upper back. It’s almost like spooning, except you’re both standing. Think of the iconic back hug Patrick Swayze gave Demi Moore in the movie “Ghost.” That moment and intimate connection captivated audiences and made movie history.

romantic hugs

4. Long, Comforting Romantic Hugs

According to an article published by Forbes Magazine, science proves the benefits of hugs. The power of touch releases hormones that can lower stress and your blood pressure. Plus, it can be a silent gesture that soothes anxiety, as stated in the article.

A long-lasting snuggle usually involves strong emotions such as loss and grief. You offer it to family and close friends when they are having a difficult time. When used romantically, it provides assurance. Or, you can hug this way when you plan to be apart for a while.

It revels in the closeness that neither of you wants to end. You share loving and positive energy from heart to heart. It says, “I’m here for you, and I’ll hold your hand and heart forever.”

5. The Twirl (Romantic Hugs Like You See in the Movies)

The twirl is a classic cuddle that’s reminiscent of a dance. It’s a celebration of joy and youthful love. However, you must ensure that you and your partner are up for lifting and twirling. The twirl is the most spontaneous and attractive to all the romantic hugs to onlookers.

It usually starts with you running into your mate’s outstretched arms. They catch you at the waist, lift you overhead, and do a little ballet-like twirl. A kiss in midair often accompanies it.

Don’t feel bad if one or both of you can’t do the lifting or twirling. You can have the same romantic effect by rushing into each other’s arms and twirling as in a ballroom dance step. The twirl is even more dramatic when they bend you back for a sweet kiss as you raise one foot.

6. The Catcher

The catcher is a passionate twin of the twirl because both involve running and lifting. These are romantic hugs you see when a couple is rescued or reunited in the movies. It exclaims, “I’ve missed you,” or “never going to let you go.”

As with twirl, the catcher begins with you rushing into the outstretched arms of your beloved. They squeeze you tight at the waist but don’t lift you over their head. Instead, they raise you just enough to bring your feet off the ground, usually bent upwards at the knees.

7. The Cuddler Romantic Hugs

Not all romantic hugs are passionate and boisterous. Like the cuddle bug, some are tranquil and relay their amorous message without a word. While parents often cuddle their children to offer comfort and parental love, this cuddling hug differs.

You can do the cuddle bug while relaxing on the sofa watching a favorite movie. Both you and your partner are gently wrapped up together in each other’s arms. Perhaps they are lying on your shoulder or lap, or you’re intimately snuggled under a cozy blanket.

This warm cuddle is restful and playful, especially after a long day. At the same time, it fulfills an innate desire for closeness and safety. It tells your person that you feel secure and satisfied in their arms.

romantic hugs

Final Thoughts about the Role of Romantic Hugs in Your Relationship

Perhaps nothing brings you closer to your person than a heartfelt hug. The way you cuddle each other communicates how you’re feeling now. As lovers, you instinctively know each other’s touch and the eternal connection it creates.