runny nose

10 Ways to Improve a Runny Nose Without Medicine

No matter the season, you may be one of the many people prone to sinus infections and other respiratory conditions. At the first sneeze, cough, or throat tickle, you know what’s coming next. Soon, you’ll probably notice the endless dripping of a runny nose.

While you want your nose to dispel excess mucus and embedded microbes, the constant flow presents issues of its own. Are you plagued with sniffling and a swollen nose that make you feel terrible? There’s hope for what ails you.

10 Ways to Relieve a Runny Nose Naturally

Before you reach into the medicine cabinet, why not try a natural remedy first? Most of these are things you probably have in your house already. If you are battling a dripping nose, hacking cough, and sore throat, here are some home remedies for you to consider.

1. Blow Your Nose

runny noseBlowing your nose may seem like common sense when it’s clogged or dripping. However, it is astounding how many people don’t do it. Instead, they resort to the old childhood trick of snuffing the mucous right back into their heads, making matters worse. When your nose is draining like a sieve, blow your nose regularly to keep the mucous and germs out of your nasal passages.

Not only do you need to blow your nose often, but you should do it correctly. Avoid placing the tissue over your nose and forcing a hard blow. It can result in a severe infection because the undue pressure can force air and germ-laden mucus into your ear passages. Do it correctly by pressing your finger against one nostril, blow gently to clear the other nostril, then switch.

2. Drink hot beverages

If you have a cold, flu, or seasonal sinus issue that gives you excess mucus, it’s essential to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of cold, refreshing water can boost your immune system and can thin the massive mucus build-up in your breathing passages, which helps to clear your runny nose. You may also consider low-sugar sports drinks to replenish your electrolytes.

When you have been sniffling, don’t forget the benefits of drinking hot liquids. Soothe your sore throat, achy sinuses, and runny nose with herbal tea, coffee, or homemade chicken stock. Not only does the warm liquid comfort you, but the rising steam can help relieve stuffy nasal passages that cause a runny nose.

3. Hit the Shower

When you consume hot liquids, you quickly find that steam can be your best friend when you have the sniffles. Likewise, taking a warm shower can build up beneficial steam to help open your clogged nasal passages so you can breathe better. Don’t use water that’s too hot because it can irritate or damage your skin.

If you want to boost the power of your warm shower, try adding a shower tablet infused with essential oils like eucalyptus or mint. These essential oils are powerful natural decongestants that can ease your runny nose. As you relax in the comforting steam, the tablet will melt and infuse the air with healing vapors.

4. Gargle Away Your Sniffles

Your ears, nose, and throat are so intricately related that a simple case of the sniffles can cause problems for each area. Have you noticed that tell-tale tickle in your throat that warns you a cold or sinus issue is on its way? In the process, your ears may pop and feel itchy or stuffy.

Don’t wait until you get the inevitable runny nose to try this effective natural remedy. When you have post-nasal drip, the constant drainage can inflame your throat and make you cough. Gargling on of these options can soothe your sore throat and may help relieve your sniffles:

·Salt gargle: For thousands of years, salt has been revered for its many healing benefits. For an effective salt gargle, dissolve half a teaspoon of fine sea salt in a glass of warm water, gargle, then rinse your mouth. Repeat these steps three to four times per day to relieve symptoms.

·Honey-Lemon: Both honey and lemon juice has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Take advantage of their natural benefits by mixing a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey into two cups of hot water. It will make enough for you to gargle at least three or four times a day until the sniffles subside.

5. Pamper Your Nose

For playing such an essential role in respiration and your sense of smell, your nose is often under-appreciated. You may not pay much attention to it until you start sniffling with a runny nose. It will usually be puffy, red, and irritated from constant blowing and using scratchy tissues.

When these dreaded symptoms appear, be kind to your nose and pamper it with some soothing herbal salve. Use a salve with essential menthol or eucalyptus oil to calm the inflamed skin at the base of your nostrils, but don’t put it inside your nose. The vapors from this salve can also help unplugged stuffy sinuses so that you can breathe better.

Handkerchiefs may have been a status symbol in the past, but we know better today. Blowing your nose into a cloth and re-using it redeposits germs, so save the hankies for dress-up. Instead, use soft disposable tissues and wash your hands each time you must blow your nose.

sinus-infection6. Ease Your Sore Sinuses with Heat or Cold

Sometimes, inflamed or infected sinuses are to blame for a dripping nose. When your sinuses’ delicate lining becomes irritated and swollen, it blocks the normal flow of mucus and traps germs. You may often experience excruciating pain in the sinuses around your eyes, forehead, and cheeks.

A natural remedy to ease painful sinus pressure is using either a hot or cold pack. You can purchase them or try a homemade variety. Sometimes you can alternate heat and cold to relieve the pain and reduce swelling so your sinuses will drain adequately.

7. Prop Up with an Extra Pillow

When you feel miserable with sinus congestion and a runny nose, rest may be one of the best things for you. However, coughing and blowing your nose can keep you awake at night, worsening your symptoms and exhaustion. How you sleep may be an answer to relieving your issues.

If you don’t already, consider sleeping with two pillows. With your head slightly elevated, you may breathe better and allow for proper sinus drainage. You can get the same effect by placing a foam wedge between your mattress and box springs.

8. Try a Neti Pot

Although nasal irrigation has been used for centuries, it hasn’t received much attention in the medical community until recently. A Neti Pot uses a warm saltwater solution to rinse your nasal cavities of excess mucus and microbes.

Neti pots are usually rubber and resemble small teapots. You pour the warm saline solution into the pot and use the spout to rinse each nostril gently. You can easily find a Neti pot inexpensively at your local drug store or online.

9. Turn Up the Heat

Are you a fan of hot and zesty spices found in cuisines around the world? When you dig into a spicy dish that’s touched with hot peppers or tangy spices, your whole body takes notice. Your eyes may water, and you may feel your sinuses opening and draining as a response to the heat.

The next time your nose is stuffy and won’t stop dripping, try eating something with hot peppers, cayenne pepper, or other zesty spices you enjoy. These ingredients contain capsaicin, a natural compound responsible for the heat that can open your sinuses so that you can feel better.

10. Boost Your Vitamins

It turns out that your mother was right when she urged you to get plenty of Vitamin C to ward off colds and the flu. Countless scientific studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Vitamin C to help prevent these issues. Vitamin A and Vitamin E can also help strengthen your immune system.

Other nutrients that can help relieve your sniffling include zinc, probiotic foods, and protein. While dairy products provide calcium and Vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth, avoid them when you have sinus issues. Consuming dairy products can thicken mucus linings and make your symptoms worse.

runny noseFinal Thoughts on Improving a Runny Nose

These natural remedies have been used for years to relieve symptoms related to clogged sinuses and post-nasal drip. If you have asthma or another chronic respiratory disorder, talk to your primary healthcare provider before trying any home remedy. If you notice that your symptoms are getting worse, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

What can be more irritating than sniffling throughout your day with stuffy sinuses and a drippy nose? Natural remedies may be the answer to preventing the condition or at least minimizing your symptoms. You can feel better without spending a fortune on over-the-counter treatments or prescription drugs.