coconut water

15 Science Based Benefits Of Coconut Water

Coconut water is now a trendy beverage. It is not only refreshing and tasty, but it is also healthy for your body.

It is rich in numerous essential nutrients and minerals that most of the population gets in small amounts from their diets. These include electrolytes, amino acids, fiber, proteins, and vitamin C. Hence, the liquid can assist you in fighting diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney stones, and more.

Here are 15 science-based coconut water benefits

coconut water

1. Source of Hydration

Coconut water is a bit sweet and has a subtle nutty flavor. It is also low in carbohydrates and calories. The water is extremely fresh and originates directly from the nut. You only need to press a straw inside the green and soft part before you begin drinking it.

Keep the coconut inside your fridge and consume it after two or three weeks of buying it. You can also purchase bottled coconut water at the majority of grocery stores. But make sure you check the ingredients to obtain one hundred percent coconut water.

This liquid is also utilized in smoothies, vinaigrette dressing, chia seed pudding, or as a substitute for plain water whenever you want some natural sweetness.

2. Cytokinins

Cytokinins are hormones that assist plants in growth and are present in water from the coconut. The minerals have cancer-fighting and anti-aging properties. But there is a need for more research in this field.

3. Good After a Long Workout

Water from coconut can be the ideal drink to restore hydration and replenish electrolytes lost during a workout. Electrolytes refer to minerals that play numerous essential roles in your body, including maintaining a proper fluid balance. These electrolytes include calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

According to two studies, water from coconut was discovered to have resulted in hydration after a workout better than water, similar to high-electrolyte sports beverages. There was also minimal stomach discomfort and nausea.

But another study revealed that water from coconut resulted in stomach upset and bloating.

4. Reduced Blood Pressure

Water from coconut is effective when it comes to blood pressure control. According to a study, this liquid improved the higher figure of blood pressure reading called systolic blood pressure in 71 percent of the participants.

Moreover, water from coconut has an exceptional 600 mg of potassium in 240 ml of the liquid. Potassium is crucial in lowering blood pressure in individuals with normal or high blood pressure. Another study has revealed that the liquid consists of anti-thrombotic activity, which can prevent blood clot formation.

5. Has Antimicrobial Properties

According to tests, this liquid has antimicrobial properties. It has biochemicals referred to as peptides that can kill gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Hence, consuming water from coconut can be efficient in combating infections.

6. Supports Heart Health

Consuming coconut water can be vital in the reduction of the risk of heart disease. According to research, drinking of this liquid can minimize triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the blood. It also reduces liver fat significantly.

This drink has been proven to rival specific statin drugs’ impacts when lowering cholesterol. But this would require one to consume a lot–about 2.7 liters of the liquid per day.

7. Better Digestion

Water from coconut is an excellent cure for gastroenteritis, mild diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, vomiting, and dysentery. According to research, water from a young coconut is an excellent cure for kids in the initial stages of mild diarrhea.

8. Prevents Against Kidney Stones

Drinking sufficient fluids is essential in the prevention of kidney stones. Even though plain water is an excellent choice, research has shown that water from coconut is much better. Kidney stones are formed when oxalate, calcium, and other compounds mix to create crystals in your urine.

These crystals then lead to stone formation. But some individuals have a higher likelihood of developing kidney stones than others. Research has shown that water from coconut can prevent crystals from sticking to parts of the urinary tract, like the kidney.

The liquid can also minimize the number of crystals created in the urine. Scientists believe that coconut water assists in reducing free radical production that takes place as a response to high levels of oxalate in the urine. However, there is a need for more research in this area.

9. Helps to Fight Diabetes

Coconut water can minimize blood sugar levels and boost health markers in diabetic animals. In a particular study, diabetic rats that drank this liquid had better blood sugar levels than the control group.

Moreover, the rats that consumed coconut water experienced lower hemoglobin A1c, which means good blood sugar control in the long run. Another study of the same animals offers the same coconut water benefits and minimal oxidative stress markers. There is a need for more research to verify these coconut water benefits in humans.

coconut water for diabetes

The liquid has six grams of digestible carbs and three grams of fiber in a 240 ml serving. Hence, it can easily be consumed by diabetic individuals. Water from coconut is also an ideal source of magnesium, which can increase insulin sensitivity and minimize blood sugar levels in individuals with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

10. Antioxidant Properties

Free radicals refer to unstable molecules generated in your cells during metabolism. Their production normally increases when one is injured or under stress. When your body has excessive radicals, it enters an oxidative stress state that can ruin your cells and increase the risk of diseases.

Studies have discovered that water from coconut has antioxidants that modify free radicals to ensure they don’t harm the body. A particular study revealed that liver-damaged rats experienced great improvements in oxidative stress after drinking this beverage compared to the control group.

Another study of rats feeding on a high-fructose diet discovered that free radicals, insulin levels, blood pressure, and triglycerides decreased after the consumption of coconut water. There is a need for human studies.

11. Nutritious

Coconuts are found on tall palm trees and are deemed fruits instead of nuts. Coconut water is the juice at the center of a young, green coconut. The liquid aids in the nourishment of the fruit.

The maturity of the coconut sees some of the juice ripen into the solid white coconut meat while the rest remains in liquid form. The liquid forms naturally in the coconut and has 94 percent water and minimal fat. It differs from coconut milk, created by mixing ground coconut meat and water.

Coconut milk has 50 percent water and is rich in coconut fat. It takes about ten months to one year for coconuts to mature completely. Coconut water is normally found in young coconuts that have matured for seven months.

An average green coconut offers about half to one cup of liquid. One cup has 46 calories, nine grams of carbs, three grams of fiber, two grams of protein, 10 percent of vitamin C RDI, six percent of calcium RDI, 11 percent of sodium RDI, 17 percent of potassium RDI, 17 percent of manganese RDI, and 15 of percent magnesium RDI.

12. Intravenous Hydration

You can also use this beverage in resuscitation and intravenous hydration for patients who are severely ill when typical intravenous hydration solutions are unavailable.

13. Treats Cholera

If you have cholera, drinking plenty of fluids can be very crucial. You can mix two glasses of the liquid with three or four teaspoons of lime juice.

The solution will return your electrolyte balance, but you must drink it regularly. Since the liquid is rich in potassium, it is a suitable solution for cholera.

14. Cleansing / Detox

Water from coconut has the same electrolyte profile as your blood, making it a suitable beverage for replacing fluids and assisting in removing toxins from the body. Potassium can assist in counteracting the adverse impacts of a high-sodium processed diet.

15. Minimal Muscle Tension and Stress

Consuming water from coconut is as good as getting a massage. Some of the liquid’s electrolytes, particularly magnesium and calcium, can assist in the reduction of muscle tension and stress. Numerous individuals lack these essential minerals, making managing stress challenging.

In addition to maintaining robust bones and teeth, calcium assists with smooth muscle relaxation. Sufficient calcium consumption can assist in keeping all your muscles relaxed, including the heart muscles, which lowers the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Magnesium is popular for enabling the parasympathetic nervous system, the nervous system section that assists with relaxation. It also assists with creating serotonin or the ‘feel good’ hormone. Calcium and magnesium work together to assist in maintaining muscle relaxation.

Since this fruit has these two minerals, drinking it on a stressful day can make you stress-free and calm.

coconut water

Final Thoughts on Adding Coconut Water to Your Diet

Whether it is hydration, cleansing, heart health, or other coconut water benefits on this list, you are sure to have a healthy lifestyle. The good thing about coconut water is that you can get it from grocery stores by buying coconut fruit or buying bottled coconut water.

Hence, consumption of this liquid is not a hassle. There is no major preparation like seen in the preparation of foods that offer similar benefits. Since it is ready to drink, you can have it whenever and wherever you are.