
10 Signs Someone is Too Critical

The phrase ‘everyone’s a critic’ has been used for decades to downplay the sting of negative comments and responses. Criticism seems to have reached epic proportions in recent years.

Experts warn that this propensity to snap judgment may contribute to unhealthy self-esteem and erosion of both relationships and social interaction.

There can be many motivational factors behind chronic criticism. Apparent control issues, a need for dominance, or just plain selfishness may hide root issues of self-doubt, fear, anxiety, or overwhelming responsibility for others.

10 Warning Signs of Over-Criticism


1. Unfair Criticism of Self

Everyone makes mistakes, but for some, any apparent flaw becomes a reason to pick themselves apart. Do you find your efforts at work or with others are never good enough or criticize your appearance every time you look in the mirror? Extreme self criticism can lead to criticism of others.

2. Never Enjoy Anything

If you are such a perfectionist that all you can see are flaws no matter where you are, you may have some serious criticism issues. If you can never just relax and enjoy the moment, it’s time to consider changing your thinking habits.

3. Critical Upbringing

If your parents or other responsible adults in your childhood were highly critical, criticism could be a learned trait. It becomes a bad habit you may not even be aware of, yet it affects every area of your life. One symptom of a history of criticism is the inability to accept or give compliments.

4. Focus on the Negative in Others

If it is easier to see the faults than the strengths in others, and it’s nearly impossible to give praise, you may be overly critical. The issue may be more yours than theirs if you can carry on a continuous negative commentary on others’ appearance, personality, work, or personal choices.

judging other people

5. Those Closest to You Say You’re Negative

Do your friends, family, or coworkers comment on your inability to be happy or positive? Maybe it’s time to take those comments to heart and change your perspective. Have you been called a complainer? If you find yourself outside of the group because you never seem to have positive input, it may be time to change your view of life.

6. Criticism Leads to Becoming Easily Offended

Self criticism can also lead to an over-sensitivity to criticism from others. You may begin to perceive every word as a confirmation of a lack of self-worth. Soon you will find yourself in a continuous bad mood because nothing is right with you or anything related to your life. This may result in even more isolation in a vicious circle of rejection and self-defeat.

7. Preoccupied with Missed Details

If a coworker or employee completes 95 percent of a project, but all you can see is the 5 percent that was not completed, you may be overly critical. If you cannot bring yourself to compliment any positive contributions or strengths in others or perhaps make useful suggestions for future assignments but find yourself completely focused on imperfections it’s time for a mental change.

8. You’re a Micromanager

If you find you just can’t let go of a task that is being performed by another, whether at work or home, but feels the need to constantly correct and remind others of expectations or goals, or if you feel a need to redo projects to your own liking, you may be overly critical.

9. Reluctance to Share Your Own Opinion

This may seem strange, but being overly self-critical can lead to self-doubt. You may fear making a mistake yourself, saying the wrong thing, or giving the wrong advice. Maybe you believe that your comments would be uninteresting to others. If you hold back in situations where you know you have helpful input, you may be overly self-critical. In turn, this practice leads to a negative mindset.


10. Physical and Mental Disorders May Stem from Criticism of Yourself

If you have developed a physically harmful disorder, such as an eating disorder or similar issue resulting from being overly self-critical, it’s time to seek immediate professional help. Continued over-criticism of others can lead to narcissistic disorders or paranoia. If you find yourself increasingly withdrawn in an unacceptable world on every level, seek counseling or therapy now.

Don’t allow a negative mindset to steal your enjoyment of life. Learning to focus on the positive and delight in the little things is possible. You can train your mind to pay attention when you are slipping into a critical mentality, and you can learn ways to counteract those tendencies. When you do, you will be amazed at how good life is and how wonderful the people you share it with are.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved


One response to “10 Signs Someone is Too Critical”

  1. […] phrase can be passive-aggressive when criticizing someone’s standards or efforts, suggesting their expectations are unreasonable or excessive. […]

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