the mood

21 Actions That Show Your Partner Isn’t Interested Anymore

As we are all well aware, a relationship is a two-way street; there has to be a mutual and foundational understanding for the entire thing to work out. If this foundational mutual interest does not exist, the relationship will likely deteriorate to a point where it is beyond repair.

Perhaps the most challenging scenario is when one person in the relationship cannot make things work despite all their best efforts. Understandably, this person will often safeguard their emotions by unconsciously enabling denial. “Ah, it’s only temporary” or “He/She will come around.” This is not always the case, however, which is the point of this article.

“I’m not interested in trying to work on people’s perceptions. I am who I am, and if you don’t take the time to learn about that, then your perception is going to be your problem.” – Jim Brown, Former NFL Football Player

We’ll discuss several signs – 21 to be exact – that may indicate that your partner isn’t interested any longer.

21 Signs Your Partner Isn’t Interested Anymore

Here they are, in no particular order.

1. They are always “too busy”

Two people in a healthy relationship always make time for each other, almost without exception. This is evident during conversations when they will quickly disengage and fire some random, unmerited excuse about having to do “something important.”


2. They’re around more when they want something

Many humans are inherently selfish creatures, but a disinterested partner becomes a bit more selfish than most. They have no problem ignoring you 90 percent of the time, but the remaining 10 percent is when they “really need” something. Anger ensues.

3. They’re non-communicative

Communication that is non-existent or highly sporadic is a clear sign of disinterest. After all, who doesn’t want communication with a person they care about?

4. They always talk about themselves…

When there is communication, the topic of discussion always seems to focus on them. This is perhaps most evident when they are on a tirade of something burdensome, like work.

5. …while taking little interest in your life

“How was your day?” is a phrase no longer incorporated by the disinterested one. Instead, they remember they’re disinterested and either shut down or redirect the conversation to numero uno.

6. They’re very controlling

This is borderline abuse, plain and simple. See, they’re not actually interested in you, but they are interested in controlling you. It’s despicable behavior that should signal the victim to run the other way.

7. They’re incessantly blameful

Continuously blaming someone else without merit is often an intentional act to push someone away. It’s cowardly and, again, borderline abusive.

8. They’re frequently disrespectful

Ugh…yeah… someone that isn’t interested anymore can get downright nasty in their mannerisms and other behaviors. Again, this is their character flaw, not yours.

9. They seem to change you…for the worse

It’s not uncommon for someone on the receiving end of a disinterested person’s mischiefs to feel changed. As a result, you may find that you smile less, are more lethargic, and so on. A very unfortunate realization, indeed.

10. They disregard your value

This one truly is troubling. A person that is (1) lacking basic decency and (2) categorically disinterested will have no trouble in devaluing someone else; even someone they used to “care” about.

11. They don’t bother including you

Oh, you used to hang out with each other’s friends? Not anymore. They got a promotion and didn’t tell you? It shouldn’t be a surprise…they’re already disengaged.

12. They’re heavy on the excuses

Similar to empty apologies, excuses are thrown around when we lack any motivation to abstain from such behavior. An interested person doesn’t issue meaningless excuses.

13. They seem less concerned about your welfare

When we truly care for someone else, we make it a priority to concern ourselves with their welfare. Heck, even a stranger can sympathize or empathize with someone else. This is disrespect to the highest degree.

14. They begin ignoring your inner circle

This doesn’t always take place, but ignoring/disrespecting/avoiding your inner circle is an intentional act. It’s effective at provoking anger.

15. They issue empty apologies

Episodes of empty apologies seem to be on a loop when one begins to feel disinterested. It’s simple really: they don’t find it necessary to put meaning behind their words anymore. Kind of similar to how you’re sorry when arriving late at work…if that makes sense.

16. They seem to “forget” a lot

Especially concerning things that they used to remember. When this happens, it is almost assuredly a sign of disinterest. When we’re not engaged, we tend to “hear” more often than listen.

17. There’s a lot of sex, but not much more

“Friends with benefits” doesn’t apply here, as you’re supposed to be considered much more. When casual sexual encounters are frequent, but true intimacy isn’t, it speaks volumes about their real intentions.

18. They’re non-committal

When the other person evades anything in regards to commitment, it’s generally not a very good sign. The only exception to this rule is if you’ve been dating for a short period of time while discussing the future together. Other than this caveat, the other person just isn’t interested much.

19. They treat others better than you

The lady at the local grocery store bagging your stuff seems to get better treatment than you do. When he or she is cordial to seemingly everyone else but you, it’s a sign that things are disintegrating quickly.

20. They’re cheating

This one kind of goes without saying. Cheating is a sign of complacency at best and a sign of complete disinterest at worst. Either way, it shouldn’t be tolerated.


21. You always seem to be crying

This is the unfortunate result of any number of behaviors listed here. Feelings get hurt, people get upset, and tears are shed. However, if this happens frequently, it’s time to move on.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved


2 responses to “21 Actions That Show Your Partner Isn’t Interested Anymore”

  1. Lucille Rangel Avatar
    Lucille Rangel

    Yup. Sounds just like my relationship. And it was going so well today! So much fun! Then…it happened. I was made to look like a stupid fool! I’m not falling for that shit again. Never! No man is going to do that to me again!

  2. Sunnyside Avatar

    This article paints a picture of one sided lack of interest. The fact that the article goes very fast into abuse, how much anger and angry actions to tolerate, lying, and a point of view that seems to come from someone who is dealing with a mental disorder such as anxiety problem. A lot of the actions mentioned in this article coule be traced back to being reactions to compulsive/pathological lying, getting caught or being unmasked of having a dubius questionable double life, and by harmful both sentimental and physical actions taken by your artice’s first person point view perspective. When not interested in you goes out of control to the point of attemping trying to hurt the toher person at all costs, even if it means sacrificing other of your “loved ones”. Someone which can easily lie will attempt to fool eveyone into thinking he or she is the victim. A very easy way is to analyze if they care mre about their loved ones or ifall they really are about is to ause you more hardship and pain.

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