single parent

20 Tweets That Reveal the Reality of Single Parenthood 

Being a single parent comes with plenty of challenges and tests your strength, even on the good days. Parenting alone means you barely get time for yourself between work, getting your child ready for school, helping them with homework, and doing chores.

Everything revolves around your child as a single mom or dad because no one else will care for them. They’re your whole world, and you must bear the responsibility of raising them. Even married couples struggle with child rearing, so being a single parent isn’t for the faint of heart.

Of course, most people don’t choose to raise a child alone, but many parents find themselves in this situation today. According to a Pew Research Center study, about a quarter of US children (23%) under eighteen live in single-parent households.

Single parents make monumental sacrifices to ensure their children have a stable home life and bright future. Many take second or third jobs to keep a roof over their child’s head and food on the table. The parent may not have envisioned that life for themselves, but they do whatever it takes for their kids.

Below, we will share a few stories about single parents’ struggles, joys, and experiences.

20 Tweets That Perfectly Capture Life As a Single Parent


1 – Any single parent can relate to this woman’s experience. Kids need nurturing AND boundaries, but it’s not always easy to strike that balance.

2 – Family comes first, including the pack’s four-legged friends. Who needs a boyfriend when you have a dog, anyway?

3 – To single parents with sick kids, we feel your pain. But you can’t complain about the extra cuddles!

4 – This parent deserves an award or perhaps a plate of cookies for this achievement. Being a single parent involves a lot of multitasking, and it seems like this mom mastered that skill quickly! As anyone with a teenager can affirm, the most brutal years have yet to come, though.

5 – Everyone wants inner peace, but it seems to elude them most of the time. For single parents especially, any second of tranquility comes as a welcome respite from the demands of parenthood.

6 – Dads often get overlooked when it comes to the challenges of single parenting. This dad deserves recognition after driving 240 miles in one day to support his child.

7 – Graduating from college marks a considerable accomplishment in anyone’s life. As a single parent, it’s an even more significant cause for celebration.

8. Not everyone enjoys the single life. But sometimes, it’s better to focus on yourself and your child and avoid all the drama.


9 – Single parents know that raising a child requires plenty of multitasking. Doing eight things at once doesn’t seem so crazy when you have kids!

10 – You never have enough hours in the day as a parent. After a while, getting five hours of sleep a night starts to seem normal.

11 – As a single parent, a kid’s party sounds like your idea of an exciting night out. Who needs those wild parties where you stay up all night and feel like death the next day, anyway?!

12 – It takes a strong woman to deal with two toddlers at the salon! But for many single parents, it’s just the reality of raising children. Just because you have kids doesn’t mean you can’t get your nails and hair done, after all!

13 – Being a single mom or dad often means sacrificing solitude to care for the kids. And no, doing errands by yourself doesn’t count as self-care. You never truly get a break from parenting, except on those rare occasions when someone can babysit. It’s a struggle that no one can truly understand unless they’ve walked in your shoes.

14 – Everyone talks about the challenges of raising a child alone, but no one discusses the bond you have with them. They grow up too fast, and you want to savor every precious moment.

15 – Parents naturally feel protective about who they allow around their children. So they become more selective when it comes to dating, and for a good reason.

16 – Most people looked forward to snow days as a kid because that meant no school. When you have kids of your own, though, it’s a different story.

17 – Most of the single dads out there can probably relate! A trip to Target or the grocery store seems like a fun time in adulthood.

18 * These kids know just what dad needs! When you have children, you won’t trade them for anything.

19 – When you’re a single parent, success equals staying organized – especially when cooking meals as a family!

20 – Only parents can understand the importance of checking on their kids and trying to protect them at all costs. Being obsessive about safety isn’t always bad, especially when it involves young children.

Single Parent Survival Tips to Make Life Easier

  • Keep a budget and put your bills on autopay.
  • Take advantage of government programs and grants for single parents.
  • Learn to tell your child “no” and set clear boundaries.
  • Join support groups for single moms and dads.
  • Lean on close family members for support.
  • Create a daily routine so that your children have consistency.
  • Plan meals in advance.
  • Ask your children to help with chores, to give them responsibility and save you time.
  • Make time for yourself, even if you only have five or ten minutes alone. Self-care will make you feel better and improve your relationships with your kids!

single parent

Final Thoughts on the Realities of Single Parenthood

Unfortunately, being a parent doesn’t come with an instruction manual – you just have to figure it out along the way. As a single parent, learning on your feet takes on a whole different meaning. You have to juggle many responsibilities while penciling in time for yourself occasionally.

Raising a child alone requires many sacrifices, but there’s nothing more rewarding than parenthood. If you’re a single parent, what advice would you give to parents in a similar situation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!