Do you suffer from a social anxiety disorder?

According to Mental Health America, there are more than 15 million people that struggle with this mental health condition. Anxiety disorders come in all shapes and sizes.

Social anxiety is difficult to maneuver in the job place. Your fear is heightened by being around others, especially when you’re apprehensive of an impending panic attack. Many people turn to disability to make ends meet, but it’s not always cut and dry to get mental health claims assistance.

If you desire to be in the working world, you must learn how to manage your social anxiety disorder. You learn the things that trigger you and those that you must avoid.

Best Jobs for Anxiety

Just because you have a disability doesn’t mean that you can’t have a job. Your disability may be invisible to everyone around you, but you can feel the pangs every time your anxiety rears its nasty head. Here are some jobs that you can do to bring income into the home. Learn more about jobs you can apply with the help from experts working at the Lehi recruitment agency.

social anxiety disorder
1. Blogging

To be an influential blogger, you need to have a niche. Do you like writing about cooking, weight loss, parenting, or your social anxiety disorder? While blogging doesn’t start you off making thousands, it can undoubtedly build with time.

Bloggers can develop a massive following due to the number of people that are online looking for self-help. If you have a topic that interests you and you’re knowledgeable about, then you can have fun and make money.

2. Stay-Home Parent

While it may not be a source of income, being a stay-home parent can undoubtedly save you money. Have you seen the price of daycare these days? It was once thought that women could only fill this role; however, men prove that they can be just as good at child-rearing as women.

Many people find that once they must pay for daycare, there is little reason for one party to work. This is especially true if you have more than one child. Plus, you get to be there for the first steps and to ensure their health and safety.

3. Accounting

Accounting is a numbers game, and accountants have little interaction with people. If you like minimal customer contact and playing with numbers, then an accounting job may be perfect for you.

Those interested in this field should brush up on frequently used accounting programs like QuickBooks and Excel. They can also use AP automation for easier creation of accurate financial data. You should also know that accountants can make some serious cash. According to US News and World Reports, an accounting professional can make a medium salary of over $70,000 a year.

4. Computer Programmer

Computer programmers and even developers make good money, and it’s one of the fastest-growing jobs around.

According to Diversity Q, it’s one of the fastest-growing jobs among women. The great thing about being a computer tech is that you can work from anywhere, and there are always great jobs to choose from these days.

5. Vet Tech

Did you know that animals are very calming to people with any anxiety? According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 74 percent of people with anxiety improve when they get a pet. There have been many studies done where pets help to calm people and even lower their blood pressure.

Can you think of a perfect job for someone tense and anxious? You would get to help pets of all kinds, and you can help yourself at the same time. Vet techs don’t require college in most cases, and you can work close to home. Any animal shelter, rescue, pet store, or veterinarian center uses techs.

6. Maid

If you have a social anxiety disorder, then being a maid might be what you like. Did you know that many times obsessive-compulsive disorder runs alongside other anxiety-based conditions? If you love to clean, then why not use your skills to make money?

If you don’t like being around others, you can choose a cleaning job where you work solo or with a partner. Maids can make fairly good money, especially if you get into a job at a hospital or other larger institution.

7. Writer

Do you have a book in you just waiting to be birthed? You could be a writer that does self-publishing or uses a publisher. There’s no stopping you once you get the first book under your belt. Whether fiction or non-fictional readings, you can entertain the masses while never leaving your home.

8. Factory Work

One thing that bothers a great many people is being in large crowds. The unpredictability can drive your anxiety mad. Factory work will be repetitious, so it might not amp your anxiety as you know what’s coming and what to expect. Some factories are a bit lower-key than others. Factory work pays well and offers a wide variety of options for you to consider.

9. Psychologist

Did you know that many psychologists or counselors often have mental health issues within themselves or their families? Many of these professionals use their family backgrounds as a reason to try to help others.

If you can work one-on-one with people, then counseling may be the thing for you. Thanks to online education, you can now get a degree from the comfort of your home.

10. Special Needs Teacher

Teachers are always in high demand, especially those that deal with special needs. Since you understand the horrors of anxiety, you can use your gifs to help others. Did you know that the government offers many incentives for you to get a degree in special education?

According to the US Department of Education, teachers can get up to $17,500 of student loans forgiven when selecting a specialized field.

11. Dog Walker/Trainer

Okay, so unless you live in New York City or Los Angeles, you’re probably not going to make a ton of money as a dog walker. However, since you already know that dogs can help you control your anxiety, this might be a great job for you. If you want to get out of the house and mingle a bit with a man’s best friend, then try dog walking.

12. Truck Driver

Do you love to drive? There’s nothing better than a road trip to make you feel great. You can blast your music, talk on your cell phone, and go all over the country. Truck drivers are an integral part of society, and you can make a ton of money.

Did you know that the average truck driver makes over $60,000 a year? So you might want to consider applying for CDL Truck Driver Positions with this kind of salary. According to Indeed, it’s a great career path with good benefits and plenty of money. Truckers get to see many new states, and they don’t have to worry about being in large crowds either.

13. Artist

Many people combat their social anxiety disorder with art. Do you have a talent with a specific style of painting that you think could bring money? Many cities have starving artist sales, or you can even sell your work online. It takes some time to get started and build a clientele, but who knows you could be the next Picasso?

14. Security Guard

Being a security guard is a pretty low-key job. However, according to Salary, an armed security guard can make anywhere from $30,000 to $37,000, just depending on where you live. Unarmed guards can make a little less.

Security guards usually don’t have to deal with many people, and they don’t need extensive training. There are tons of security jobs in every city across this country, so work is easy to find.

15. Overnight Stocker

If your social anxiety disorder gets the best of you, then perhaps you would prefer to work at night. An overnight stocker usually only must deal with other workers on shift with them. The crowds are generally much less at night, and you can make a decent living.

According to Zip Recruiter, most stock professionals make around $13 an hour. If you find a full-time job with a big company, you can get insurance and benefits too. The only requirement for this career is that you can bend and lift upwards of 50 lbs. Of course, each job will have specifics.

social anxiety disorder
Final Thoughts on Social Anxiety Disorder and Working

Don’t think that you can’t live a full life and have a great job because you have a social anxiety disorder. It would help if you learned your comfort level and know what you can tolerate when working in public.

If you feel that your anxiety is severe enough, you can always choose a job that allows you to work from home. If you have a social anxiety disorder with agoraphobia, staying around the house may be a better option. Getting out even for just a few hours a week can be therapeutic, if possible.

Staying behind four walls all day long might make your general anxiety worse. Thankfully, some programs can help people like you have a great job and work within your limitations.