
How to Make the Fluffiest Japanese Soufflé Pancakes

Have you ever had soufflĂ© pancakes? If not, you’re in for a treat! SoufflĂ© pancakes are just like regular pancakes, except they have a more fluffy, airy texture. It’s just like eating a soft cloud that melts in your mouth, topped with butter and syrup. Yum!

We probably have you drooling by now, so we’ll go ahead and tell you how to make these pillowy pancakes. If you’re bored with cereal and toast for breakfast, change it up with these soufflĂ© pancakes.

Here is how you can make the fluffiest Japanese soufflé pancakes:

Are you ready? Let’s get started.

souffle pancakes

Gather these kitchen supplies:

  • Large mixing bowl
  • Whisk
  • Strainer
  • Ramekin (soufflĂ© dish)
  • Spatula
  • Large skillet
  • Spoon
  • Hand mixer


  • Two egg yolks (separate from the whites)
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 1/2 tbsp vanilla powder
  • 4 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • Two egg whites
  • 1/8 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • Maple syrup
  • Butter
  • Powdered sugar
  • Strawberries for toppings (optional)

How to make the soufflé mixture:

  1. First, grab your mixing bowl and put the egg yolks in. Whisk until blended.
  2. Next, add in the milk and vanilla powder, whisking them in as well.
  3. Then, get out the strainer and pour in the baking powder and all-purpose flour.
  4. Shake the strainer until all the powder falls into the bowl below.
  5. Whisk until completely dissolved in the liquid. Add in a little extra flour to thicken if necessary.
  6. Now, get out a separate bowl and place the egg whites and cream of tartar inside.
  7. Grab your electric hand whisk and blend until the mixture becomes foamy.
  8. Now, add in the tablespoon of sugar, beating until it forms a thick, creamy texture.
  9. Then, use a spatula to gradually blend this mixture with the egg yolks.
  10. Next, get out a skillet and melt a pat of butter in the pan. Spread it around with a spoon or paper towel so it coats the entire pan.

Making the soufflé pancakes:

  1. Now, put the ramekin in the middle and scoop the soufflé mixture inside.
  2. Put the lid on the skillet, and turn the heat on low. Cook for a few minutes, and then add a little water into the pan. Cover once again and cook for 6-7 minutes.
  3. Flip the ramekin over to cook the other side for about 4-5 more minutes. Cover with the lid and make sure to add more water to keep the pancakes moist.
  4. Now, check on your soufflĂ© pancake. It should be very tall and pillowy, and will probably be the fluffiest pancake you’ve ever seen!
  5. Top with melted butter, maple syrup, powdered sugar, and strawberries. (optional) Enjoy!

A few tips for perfecting these soufflé pancakes

  • If you don’t have a ramekin, you could just cook the pancakes in a giant skillet. Just make sure to spread them out enough so they don’t stick together. To create tall pancakes, you’ll want to keep adding batter as the pancakes start to form.
  • Making the meringue might take some practice. You should have a stiff texture where you can turn the bowl over and it won’t spill out. When you lift up the whisk, the egg whites should stick up firmly, having a bow at the end.
  • Keep the heat low to create the perfect soufflĂ© pancakes. Unlike regular pancakes, these need to cook longer because of their size and thickness. Keeping the heat on low ensures that it cooks evenly throughout the pancake. If you turn it on high, the outside will cook faster, but the inside will remain raw.
  • Covering the skillet with a lid is essential for keeping moisture and heat in the pan.
  • To separate egg yolks from the whites, crack an egg and catch the yolk in your hand. Allow it to run through your fingers into a small bowl below. Then, place the egg yolks in a different bowl. This might seem messy, but it’s an easy way to ensure your whites and yolks stay separated.
  • To make sure the pancakes don’t deflate when you remove them from heat, you need perfectly beaten egg whites. If you over-beat them, they will break apart. Under-beating means you won’t have enough air bubbles to create a fluffy texture.

These soufflé pancakes have gained serious popularity worldwide

What began as a Japanese trend quickly spread across the globe. Shops have started opening up in the US, England, the Philippines, and other countries throughout the world. In some soufflé restaurants in Japan, they actually put limits on how many people can dine each day. They even have designated dining times, so people line up hours beforehand to guarantee a spot. It sounds crazy, but it shows just how popular these fluffy sensations are in Japan.

However, you don’t have to travel anywhere to taste this Japanese delicacy. You can make it from the comfort of your own kitchen, and it will taste just as wonderful! Feel free to add any other toppings you’d like, such as whipped cream or blueberries. Have them for breakfast, brunch, dessert, or as a late-night snack.

They do require a little bit of preparation, but in total, it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to make. Once you get the meringue out of the way, everything else should be a piece of cake. The cross between a pancake and soufflĂ© is becoming a huge hit, and we hope you will give it a try!

japanese souffle pancakeFinal thoughts: these soufflé pancakes taste like a sweet cloud

If you ever wondered what a cloud tastes like, you will know after trying these pancakes. SoufflĂ© pancakes are basically a level up from regular pancakes, having an airy, pillowy texture. The pancakes don’t just look cool being stacked a mile high, but they taste delicious as well!

There are entire restaurants dedicated to making these jiggly pancakes, but you can try them from your own home. You can even make variations like chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, or other flavors. If you decide to make these soufflé pancakes, let us know how you like them in the comments!