rescuing animals

Meet a Woman Known for Spreading Love Through Animal Rescue

Spreading love can be done in thousands of ways, and for one woman, it’s by rescuing animals. Patricia and her boyfriend Vitor decided to leave the city and open an ashram and animal sanctuary in south Brazil. The Vale da Rainha Sanctuary began in 2011, and it’s grown into a beautiful, thriving community founded on peace and respect for all creatures.

Their mission is a simple but powerful one, with a foundation of kindness and unity: “The Vale da Rainha Sanctuary supports the purpose of rescuing and raising awareness, uniting compassion and awareness like two wings that together enable the flight that is service.”

About This Rescue Mission

Located in the rural area of Camanducaia, the sanctuary is home to over one hundred animals. They include bulls, pigs, horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, birds, dogs, and cats. All the animals have been rescued from abusive situations and given a new chance at a loving home. As humans, we often think of spreading love to just our families and pets. However, we should extend this love to all life, as we’re connected to every being by one common thread.

That’s the idea behind the animal sanctuary: spreading love and kindness to animals that truly need it. Many of them come from factory farms and other horrific environments where they’ve been neglected and tortured for profit. At the animal sanctuary in Brazil, Patricia and Vitor give these animals the opportunity and resources to heal. They believe all life is sacred and that we should practice non-violence (ahimsa) every step of the way.

Patricia and Vitor call their animal friends “masters” because they have learned many important lessons. For example, they believe cows can teach people how to act with common sense and reflection. Their feminine energy can remind people to treat others with kindness and patience. Horses teach the power of freedom and humility, while pigs remind humans to use their intellect when making decisions.


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Spreading love by rescuing animals and healing humans

Their work mainly involves rehabilitating animals, but they also hold yoga and meditation classes for humans. They believe that the vital work of healing emotionally and mentally must happen within before it can spread to others.

Their website says it best: “Things don’t change. People change. Changed people change the world.”

The non-profit sanctuary survives on partnerships, animal experiences and programs, and yoga/meditation classes. They also accept donations to give a dignified life to the animals who desperately need love and support. The funds go directly toward caring for the animals, including food, medical treatments, facilities, and management.

They also have an online store that sells mugs, T-shirts, and E-books designed to educate and inspire. Finally, they offer online yoga programs as well if you can’t make it in person. Patricia often practices yoga around the cows and other animals since this helps spread love and connect to your higher self.

Patricia says this:

“Here, at our sanctuary, we work for rescuing them, but also to inspire change. There are just so many things I enjoy doing with them, like talking to them but also listening to them, singing with them. Here at the sanctuary, we also have other activities that benefit human beings. Usually, we have yoga classes, different ways to connect with them and with their reality so we can change again.”

Every activity at the sanctuary involves peace and compassion because, without those, life cannot thrive. At the sanctuary, they’re teaching people how to reconnect with their true selves through the animals. After all, if the cows and pigs that come from inhumane factory farms can still love, can’t we?


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Love is the answer to life’s problems.

“Our motivation doing this is goodness. Of course, we cannot look after every being, but you know what we can do? We can inspire goodness, we can inspire awareness, we can be kind. We can positively influence other lives, and this is perhaps the most simple way that we can look after each other,” Patricia says.

“Our daily routine includes taking care of them. Many of them are sick, and even after years living here, they still present challenges in their health. So we need to look after them every day – not only feed them but also love them. So our daily routine talks about them but also talks about us. We can provide education, information, and special programs for human beings to awake.”

It’s pretty sad that these animals still experience health problems many years after leaving factory farms. Patricia hopes that by educating the public about what they endure, perhaps fewer people will consume meat. In today’s world, vegan and vegetarian alternatives are easy to find, and many taste similar to meat.

If you choose to eat meat, it’s essential to buy it from sustainable, free-range farms. Simply by making more conscious choices and being mindful of our actions, we can create a happier, healthier world. It’s been proven that cows communicate and show compassion just like humans, so they deserve our love and respect. All animals do because we’re all part of the same web of life.

By remembering this connection with animals and nature, we can begin to heal and create a more harmonious world. It all starts from within, like Patricia says, to see the changes outwardly. Begin each day with yoga or meditation, and we guarantee you’ll feel more like yourself in no time.

Final thoughts on the kind woman known for spreading love through animal rescue

More people than ever around the globe have begun opening animal sanctuaries. It’s heart-wrenching to know that other animals go through so much just to become our next meal. Patricia and Vitor became vegan and decided to rescue animals who had been abused to help restore the balance on Earth. They know if we want to see a more sustainable, healthy planet, it all begins with us.

By making better choices and doing everything with love, we can help heal ourselves and others. Spreading love feels better than being hateful in every situation.