waiting for love

10 Reasons to Stop Waiting for Love and Be Happy Now

Did you know that the average age for a first marriage is now 29 years old? According to Brides, people are waiting longer to make the trip down the aisle. In the 1920s, the average age was 21, so why are people waiting for love and putting off their happiness?

These days, many people are choosing to live together before tying the knot. However, women also have careers and busy lives, which wasn’t the case in the 1920s. Most people want to graduate from college, have a nice nest egg, and support themselves should something happen.

Honestly, the divorce rates are scary for anyone considering becoming part of the proverbial ball and chain, so it seems only natural to want to wait, or does it? Waiting for love may not be the best choice for your happiness or mental health. Many people go through the college years while being hitched, and their love is no different than anyone else.

Sure, they may struggle with finances a bit more, but being with someone to have and to hold in all the darkest days of your life isn’t a bad thing. If you’ve put love on the back burner, then perhaps it’s time that you reconsider this choice once you learn some facts.

Ten Reasons to Stop Waiting for Love (and be happier right now!)

waiting for loveSome folks like to procrastinate with their love life. They want to put off this event until the right time. However, is there ever the perfect time to fall in love?

Sometimes things come along when you least expect them, and it might be bad for you to stop a relationship that could be the best thing that ever happened to you. Here are some reasons why waiting for love is a bad idea.

1. You Develop Anxiety Over the Future

The average person has two primary goals in life, to have a promising career and find someone to spend their life with. When you deny yourself a relationship based on the 100 reasons you’ve identified in your mind, then you’re causing yourself useless anxiety.

The longer you put off entering the dating pool, the more you delay the chances of having your happily ever after. It’s only normal to have some anxiety about remaining single when others are getting hitched. Human beings need companionship, and you’re doing yourself no favors to delay this basic need.

2. You’re Putting Off Your Dreams

Do you dream of a house with a white picket fence and a few kids to love? Why put off your dreams when you can have everything you need right now? Why wait for those special moments and sharing your life with someone when you can start your life now?

No rule says you must have everything together when you find love. Part of growing as a couple is weathering life’s storms. If everyone had it all together, then why would you need anyone else in your life?

3. The Many Sleepless Nights

How many nights do you lie in bed alone and longing for companionship? One of the best parts about having a relationship is having someone to snuggle with at night. Not only is snuggling important, but romance is an essential part of life.

When you deny yourself the sexual pleasures that your body craves, it’s only harming you. According to Study Finds, those who have an active sex life have greater job satisfaction, and if you’re career-minded, it might be the boost you need.

4. Jealousy Over Friends and Family Members

You’ve determined that waiting for love is the best answer for you. However, why is it that you feel a twinge of jealousy every time you get an invitation for a wedding, baby shower, or another type of celebration? Plus, they always ask you to bring a date to these events, and you don’t even have anyone to consider.

If you put off finding your soul mate, then you can cause yourself big problems because you will always be the odd man out. There’s no need to be jealous of friends who took the plunge when you don’t have to wait to find your other half.

5. Psychological Torment

Not only will you experience psychological torment as you have needs that aren’t being taken care of, but your brain chemistry can be off too. When you’re under any anxiety or stress, it gives you higher than normal adrenaline levels and cortisol and can reduce dopamine and serotonin. Why torment yourself when there is the perfect person out there just waiting for you?

Some say that when you find your soul mate, you fit together like a sock and shoe, so why do you want to deny yourself this incredible feeling?

trust in a relationship6. Biological Clock

Since people are waiting until the average age of 29, it gives their biological clock less time to do its thing. The average childbearing years are 21-34. According to Pregnancy and Baby, delaying pregnancy only increases the risk of compilations.

Yet, the average age of giving birth is increasing. In 2002, more than 236 babies were born to women between the ages of 50-54. While it’s acceptable to have a child during middle age, you have more energy to run after a toddler when you’re younger. This decision boils down to a personal choice, but the great news is that you can make that choice.

7. Pressure from Family and Friends

Don’t you love all the pressure you get from family and friends to find love? Some of your inner circle might be inclined to try to fix you up with people they know. Many folks have a natural matchmaking ability, and they will fix you up with every man or woman they can think of.

Does this scenario sound familiar? You go to a family get-together where all your relatives come with their families. You’re alone, and people automatically assume you’re sad.

You haven’t been there ten minutes before you get the first inquiry about your love life. Everyone wants to know when you will find love and why you’re waiting so long? Then comes the list of potential folks to date.

Why put yourself through all this torment when you can enjoy your life with someone who completes you. There’s no more incredible feeling than being in love and having a good relationship.

8. You’re Not Missing Out on Companionship

Having someone who is “your person” is remarkable. You deserve someone to go to the movies with or to have a romantic candlelight dinner. Having companionship with an important person is about way more than romance.

It would help if you had somebody who wants to hear about your day, and they care that you made it to and from work safely. You want to feel that security that comes with knowing that your loved and adored by someone who only has eyes for you. It’s one of the essentials that a man or woman needs in life, to love and be loved in return.

9. Negativity Creeps In

If you’re waiting for love, you may be sidetracked by negativity in other’s relationships. For instance, if you watch your friends and family members get divorced and go through intense struggles, it can alter your perceptions of love. Don’t let other people’s experiences dictate yours.

One of the biggest problems with waiting is that negativity can creep in and skew your view of relationships and marriage.

10. Developing “Old Maid” Syndrome

If you don’t pursue your goal of finding your soul mate, you may become too comfortable being alone. According to Merriam Webster, an old maid was often considered anyone over 25 who wasn’t married. These days, the age has increased to 40.

It’s easy to become satisfied when you’re used to being alone. You may build a life that is comfortable without anyone else in it. While you tell yourself that if further complicates things, you don’t know how good love can feel unless you experience it.

waiting for loveFinal Thoughts on Waiting for Love

You want to pursue your goals and have a career and be financially secure before finding love, but life is full of time and chance. Your desire to have everything in your life all neat and tidy will probably never come true. There is no perfect time to find your soul mate, and it’s often best to leave things to fate.

There is someone out there that the universe made for you. They can complete your sentences, calm you when you’re sad, and bring a smile to your face. They’re the type of person who will make the world as you know it a better place to be.

While waiting for love seems like the smart thing to do, remind yourself that you can’t wait too long. You might let one of the most incredible opportunities in your life pass you by because you’re not emotionally ready for a relationship. Sure, you can be happy single, but you can also live-in pure bliss with the person who is your soul mate.

Why not pursue your goals together and build the life you’ve always imagined? There’s something out there waiting for you.