
10 Essential Strategies To Fight Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes type 2 requires you to control your blood sugar levels properly and to avoid spikes. This is because the condition exposes you to the risk of strokes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. These conditions are life-threatening and in most cases, lead to the death of the affected individual.

Therefore, you must live a lifestyle that will ensure you avoid complications of diabetes such as heart disease. This lifestyle can include consuming healthy foods like fish, eggs, fibers, and others, exercising, drinking a lot of water, and more.

Ten Methods To Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Try these techniques to manage your condition better.

type 2 diabetes symptoms

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a sweet spice that has powerful antioxidant activity. Studies show that spice can reduce blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Long-term control of type 2 diabetes normally depends on measuring hemoglobin A1c which shows your average levels of blood sugar over two to three months.

In a single study, patients of type 2 diabetes who consumed cinnamon for three months experienced a more than two hundred percent reduction in hemoglobin A1c than those who experienced standard care. Other ten studies discovered that cinnamon could also reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Moreover, you require limiting your cassia cinnamon consumption to under one teaspoon per day. It contains coumarin, which is related to health issues at higher doses. On the contrary, Ceylon cinnamon has minimal coumarin.

2. Eggs and Fatty Fish

Eggs offer amazing health benefits and are ideal for keeping you full for an extended period. Regular consumption of eggs can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Eggs reduce inflammation, increase your levels of good HDL cholesterol, change the shape and size of your bad LDL cholesterol, and improve insulin sensitivity.

In a particular study, individuals with type 2 diabetes who ate two eggs daily as part of a regimen high in protein experienced improvements in blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Moreover, eggs are one of the greatest sources of zeaxanthin and lutein, antioxidants that protect your eyes from diseases.

Just make sure you consume whole eggs. The egg benefits from the nutrients in the yolk instead of the white.

On the other hand, fatty fish is also very healthy. Mackerel, anchovies, salmon, herring, and sardines are perfect sources of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which offer excellent benefits for your heart. Obtaining these fats in sufficient amounts regularly is particularly significant for people with type 2 diabetes who are likely to get stroke and heart disease.

EPA and DHA safeguard the cells lining your blood vessels, improve the functioning of your arteries after a meal, and minimize markers of inflammation. According to some observational studies, individuals who consume fatty fish regularly have a reduced risk of heart failure and have less likelihood of dying from heart disease.

Fish significantly impacts inflammatory markers and can reduce triglycerides. Fish is also an excellent source of protein that is high in quality that increases your satiety as well as your metabolic rate.

3. Use Extra-Virgin Oil

Extra-virgin oil is highly beneficial for the health of your heart. It has oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that improves HDL and triglyceride levels in people with type 2 diabetes. It can also improve the levels of the GLP-1 fullness hormone.

According to studies researching different kinds of fat, olive oil is the only type of fat that can reduce the risk of heart disease. Olive oil also has polyphenols antioxidants that safeguard the cells lining the blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, prevent the damage of LDL cholesterol by oxidation, and minimize inflammation.

Extra-virgin oil is not refined and has antioxidants and other minerals that make it healthy. Make sure you buy extra-virgin oil from a reputable source because numerous olive oils are combined with cheaper oils such as soy and corn.

4. Consume Flax Seeds

Flaxseeds are exceptionally healthy foods. Some of their insoluble fiber consists of lignans that can reduce the risk of heart disease and boost blood sugar control. A study involving individuals with type 2 diabetes who consumed flaxseed lignans for three months saw a significant increase in hemoglobin A1c in the participants.

Another study discovered that flaxseeds could minimize the risk of strokes and possibly decrease the dosage of medication required to prevent blood clots. Flaxseeds are rich in viscous fiber that improves the health of your gut, feelings of satiety, and insulin sensitivity.

Since your body cannot absorb whole flaxseeds, grind them or buy ground seeds. It is also critical to keep the seeds tightly sealed in the fridge so that they don’t go rancid.

exercises for diabetics5. Eat Squash

Squash is a top healthy vegetable for people with type 2 diabetes. Winter squash varieties contain a hard shell and include butternut, pumpkin, and acorn. On the other hand, summer squash contains edible soft peel and includes Italian squash and zucchini, among others.

Similar to many other vegetables, squash has beneficial antioxidants. Numerous types of winter squash have high levels of zeaxanthin and lutein that safeguard against macular degeneration and cataracts. Animal studies involving squash extracts have shown a decrease in insulin levels and obesity.

A particular study discovered that individuals with type 2 diabetes who consumed a winter squash variety faced a significant reduction in levels of blood sugar. But keep in mind that winter squash has more carbohydrates than summer squash.

For instance, a cup of cooked pumpkin has nine grams of digestible starch, while a cup of cooked zucchini has three grams of digestible starch.

6. Control the Intake of Carbs

Your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugars, especially glucose, before the insulin takes the glucose into cells. When you consume excess carbs or have low insulin levels, this process does not work, and your blood glucose levels go up. But there are many things you can do about it.

According to the American Diabetes Association, it is recommended that you control your carb consumption through a food exchange system or by counting them. Studies have shown that these methods can assist people with type 2 diabetes in properly planning their meals. In turn, it assists in the improvement of blood sugar control.

Numerous studies also reveal that a diet low in carbs aids in reducing levels of blood sugar and avoiding spikes in blood sugar. Moreover, a diet low in carbs can assist in controlling levels of blood sugar in the long term.

7. Workout Regularly

Regular exercise can assist you in losing weight and increasing the sensitivity of your insulin to help you fight type 2 diabetes. Increased insulin sensitivity means that your cells can better utilize the available sugar in the bloodstream. Exercise also assists your muscles in utilizing blood sugar for muscle contraction and energy.

You need to check your levels routinely if you have trouble controlling your blood sugar. This will aid you in learning how to respond to various activities and prevent spikes of your blood sugar levels. Great exercise forms include weight lifting, running, dancing, swimming, brisk walking, biking, hiking, and more.

8. Drink a Lot of Water

Drinking sufficient water can assist you in keeping your levels of blood sugar within healthy limits. It will prevent dehydration. In addition, it will also prevent your kidneys from flushing out extra blood sugar via urine.

Research shows that individuals with type 2 diabetes who drink a lot of water have a minimized risk of developing high levels of blood sugar. Regular intake of water rehydrates your blood, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, and lowers the levels of blood sugar.

Remember to rehydrate with non-caloric beverages if you want a change from water. Sugar-sweetened beverages increase blood glucose, the risk of diabetes, and weight gain.

9. Control Levels of Stress

Stress can impact your levels of blood sugar. Hormones like cortisol and glucagon are secreted when you are stressed. In turn, these hormones cause an increase in blood sugar. According to research, meditation and relaxation critically minimizes stress and reduces blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Workouts and relaxation methods such as mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga can also correct insulin secretion problems in chronic diabetes.

10. Get Sufficient Sleep

Getting sufficient sleep feels good and is necessary for optimal health. A lack of rest and poor sleeping habits also impact blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. They can also promote weight gain and increase appetite.

Deprivation of sleep increases cortisol levels and reduces growth hormone release. Both of these play a critical role in the control of blood sugar.

Moreover, great sleep is about both quality and quantity. It is advisable to obtain a sufficient amount of high-quality sleep every night.

diabetes type 2
Water is essential in diabetes management.


Final Thoughts: You Can Manage Type 2 Diabetes With Help

Many people disregard the importance of a healthy lifestyle until they get type 2 diabetes. A patient with the disease will need not only to consume the healthy foods listed on this article, but they will also need to live a stress-free life, eat well, sleep more, exercise a lot, and drink plenty of water.

Undertaking these strategies when you don’t have the condition is even better, as it will keep diabetes at bay.