super new moon

What Tonight’s Aries Moon Reveals About Your Life

Change is in the air for all of us, thanks partly to the events brought on by the super new moon in Aries on April 7th, 2016.

This article will prepare you for what you might expect to encounter shortly. These changes begin to break old patterns.

The science of astronomy and the belief in astrology used to be connected together by the same theories. That continued through the end of the 18th century and the time of Sir Issac Newton, who described the theory of gravity. The movements of the Earth, Moon, Sun, and planets through the field of stars could be predicted more reliably by then, but the scientists thought that the descriptions of their influences on human lives were explained away by coincidence.

Ancient Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Babylonian, Incan, Native American, and other cultures have used the placement of the planets to learn about the seasonal influences on our planet. People once sought advice from Oracles, or trained seers,  about the best time to plant crops, whom to marry, trade relationships, and even advice when planning to war against a neighboring nation.

The science behind the twelve sun signs of the zodiac lies within the realm of psychology. Each astrological sign represents specific personality traits. We may or may not agree with these descriptions or feel they do not always apply to us.

We believe ourselves believe in free will and making good choices despite what our horoscopes say. However, certain personality ‘types’ certainly exist in the psychology field (Read our article on Introverted vs. Extroverted people, for example) and seem to correlate with the astrological signs and the personality traits assigned to each sun sign.

The Super New Moon in Aries Will Change Your Life

Can astrology predict our lives? Or do we read what we want into the astrological signs’ descriptions because we like the type of person described? In our recent article, we told you about a study that shows that the season in which you are born can affect your personality, energy level, and likelihood to act in certain ways.


Let’s look at the exciting changes that you can expect to receive as opportunities in your life as a result of the super new moon in Aries. Of course, you have the free will to decide whether or not to pursue these new opportunities.

Have you felt like you couldn’t wait for things in your life to change for the better? The good news is that this super new moon will bring much-needed change to your life, it will happen quickly, and it will be in a way that helps you to grow as an individual.

Why The Super New Moon Is Bringing Change

The moon cycles through phases every month, so why is this new moon any different? A supermoon is when the Earth is at its closest point to the moon in orbit. In other words, we feel an even larger effect of the moon’s pull because of its closeness to us.

A normal new moon usually brings fresh beginnings and an end to old ways. You can look for this cycle of changes in your life each month as a fresh project or new idea begins as the new moon starts its cycle, and then these new starts will decline or wrap up as the moon goes through a full cycle and wanes back to the last quarter.

With the nearness of this supermoon, you will see these fresh beginnings on a larger scale. You will likely notice more creativity, energy, and invitations to try something new at this time.

At the same time, because this is a huge cycle of the end of the previous month’s moon, you should see other aspects of your life closing the book on the chapter that has ended. This could be an old relationship that no longer serves your best interests or an outdated way of thinking or acting that you want to change about yourself. Look at this as a time to break bad habits and work on the most positive aspects of your personality.

The Significance of Aries

Aries is a fire sign, often indicating passion, energy, and fast-paced, uncontrollable energy. The implications for this time of the supermoon in Aries are similar to what a person born with the moon in the sun sign of Aries would experience as a character trait.

The astrology website says of the moon in Aries, ‘You are likely to feel at your best when you involved with exciting, challenging or new experiences – anything that lets you express your pioneering side. You may experience yourself as a dynamic individual, and enjoy getting things started.’

Use the experience of the supermoon in Aries to evaluate what you no longer need, say goodbye to those parts of yourself, and to be open to what is coming. Open your mind to the possibilities of the super new moon and make excellent choices that truly support your whole-hearted being.