Tag: aging and the brain

  • Doctors Explain How Stress Causes Premature Aging

    Doctors Explain How Stress Causes Premature Aging

    Here’s why stress makes you feel older than your actual age. Persistent stress acts like a thread under constant tension, eventually fraying and breaking. When applied to our bodies, this continuous strain leads to noticeable signs of premature aging. Recognizing the impact of stress on our health is crucial.  As we explore the relationship between…

  • Science Proves How Drinking Water Increases Longevity

    Science Proves How Drinking Water Increases Longevity

    Most people know the importance of drinking enough water to keep the body and mind functioning optimally. Water helps prevent dehydration and assists with body temperature regulation, joint lubrication, and waste elimination. In addition, it aids in balancing body fluids, controlling hunger, energizing muscles, and hydrating the skin. It also appears to increase longevity, says…

  • Neuroscience Explains What Happens to Your Brain As You Age

    Neuroscience Explains What Happens to Your Brain As You Age

    “The human brain contains some 100 billion neurons, which together form a network of Internet-like complexity. Christof Koch, chief scientific officer of the Ammen Institute for Brain science, calls the brain the most complex object in the known universe.’” ~ National Public Radio (NPR) Stages of Brain Development Our magnificent brain continues to undergo changes…

  • Science Reveals The 10 Best Brain Boosters

    Science Reveals The 10 Best Brain Boosters

    What are “brain boosters?” Excellent question. For this article, a brain booster is anything – usually in the form of food or a nutritional supplement – that enhances your brainpower. Which begs the question: what is brainpower? While many people link I.Q. with brainpower, we have a definition that’s a tad different. Brainpower is the…