Tag: anemic blood

  • 10 Signs Someone Needs a Parasite Cleanse

    10 Signs Someone Needs a Parasite Cleanse

    We share this world with countless creatures, many of them microscopic. Did you also know that some of these tiny bugs and worms also share your body? How do you know if you have a bodily invasion of parasites? Could you even need a parasite to cleanse? It’s a sobering realization that your body is…

  • 15 Anemia Symptoms to Never Ignore

    15 Anemia Symptoms to Never Ignore

    Anemia is the world’s most common blood disorder. It affects about three million people in the US and over 1.6 billion people in the world. Here’s why it’s critical to know how to identify anemia symptoms. While anybody can develop anemia, it is most common in small children. Anemia can also affect some animals, including…