Tag: anxiety about money

  • 15 Things More Important Than Money

    15 Things More Important Than Money

    Despite what some believe, money can’t buy you everything. In a world where success is often measured in dollar signs, it’s easy to believe that money is the ultimate key to happiness in life. This common perception paints a picture of wealth bringing unlimited joy, comfort, and fulfillment. We see carefully curated stories all across…

  • 12 Things Always to Buy at a Thrift Store

    12 Things Always to Buy at a Thrift Store

    Save money by shopping at local second-hand shops. Shopping at thrift stores offers consumers a unique blend of affordability, sustainability, and the thrill of finding hidden treasures. Today, the thrift store has transcended its role as mere secondhand stores. In fact, second-hand shops have become havens for value-conscious individuals seeking to save money while positively…

  • Psychologists Warn: 90% of Americans Have Inflation-Related Anxiety

    Psychologists Warn: 90% of Americans Have Inflation-Related Anxiety

    A recent American Psychiatric Association (APA) poll found that inflation anxiety reached an all-time high. According to the findings, about 90% of United States residents reported feeling anxious or highly anxious about inflation. That represents an increase of eight percentage points from May 2022. In addition to inflation anxiety, the poll found that more than…