Tag: archetype and personality

  • Psychology Explains the “Dark Triad” Personality

    Psychology Explains the “Dark Triad” Personality

    In the fascinating realm of psychology, the Dark Triad personality is an intriguing and multifaceted concept. This interplay of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy contributes to a complex and challenging personality construct. At the heart of this enigmatic triad lies a delicate interplay of self-importance, manipulative tendencies, and a disregard for others’ feelings. Exploring the depths…

  • What Does Your Archetype Reveal About Your Personality?

    What Does Your Archetype Reveal About Your Personality?

    What is an archetype? As the word ‘archetype’ (arc-eh-type) applies to this article, it is a “primitive mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors,” and is a central aspect of the Jungian theory of psychoanalysis. While this definition may sound radical, it’s actually quite sensible. In purely definitional terms, an archetype is “a recurrent…