Tag: autistic behavior

  • 7 Hidden Signs of Autism in Adults

    7 Hidden Signs of Autism in Adults

    Here’s what it looks like when adults have ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adults often remains a hidden chapter in the narrative of many lives. Much attention is given to diagnosing and understanding autism in children. But adult autism can be a silent challenge, impacting every facet of life. Recognizing these signs is not…

  • 10 Behaviors That Reveal A Child May Be Autistic

    10 Behaviors That Reveal A Child May Be Autistic

    Understanding what is happening to your child may be a little tricky when they show behaviors you don’t fully comprehend. Unfortunately, if the problem is autism, an explanation of those behaviors may also be confusing. Learning more about the disorder (aka the autism spectrum) or understanding the symptoms of it may enable your child to…

  • 7 Behaviors That Reveal A Child May Have Autism

    7 Behaviors That Reveal A Child May Have Autism

    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is not as mysterious as it used to be ten or twenty years ago. Now, we better understand the spectrum, and with that understanding comes empathy and support. Children on the autism spectrum see and process the world differently than children who don’t. They may also have a more challenging time…