Tag: bad news bias

  • Psychology Explains How Cognitive Bias Hurts Your Happiness

    Psychology Explains How Cognitive Bias Hurts Your Happiness

    Cognitive bias refers to the tendency of individuals to think and make decisions based on their preconceived notions and past experiences. This means they often disregard objective facts and act erratically and emotionally. These biases can influence our perceptions, beliefs, and actions. They can have a significant impact on our overall happiness and well-being. Cognitive…

  • How Using Positivity Can Help Anxiety

    How Using Positivity Can Help Anxiety

    Many people don’t think about how positivity can reduce their anxiety symptoms. But positive thinking, or framing situations in a more favorable light, may help you avoid catastrophizing. People with anxiety often experience debilitating symptoms that prevent them from living everyday life. They sometimes can’t differentiate between their thoughts and reality, making it difficult to…