Tag: beating depression

  • 15 Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder

    15 Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder

    Depression is a common mental health concern that is often diagnosed in people between the ages of 15-45 years of age. Though, it has no boundaries as it can affect those young and old of all nationalities and genders. Having major depressive disorder is a persistent feeling of overwhelming sadness that controls your life. Many…

  • 10 Foods That Help Fight Depression

    10 Foods That Help Fight Depression

    You can fight depression by eating the right foods. Along with all the other methods of combating depression, food should be in the top three of methods. Getting enough sleep and trying to stay positive, food is equally important. What we place in to our bodies affects our moods, mood swings, and give us the…

  • New Study Reveals: Happiness Is Contagious, Depression Is Not

    New Study Reveals: Happiness Is Contagious, Depression Is Not

    Happiness is contagious, but depression is not, says a study. But why is that important? According to the World Health Organization, more than 350 million people globally suffer from depression. With these staggering numbers, you would think that depression spreads just by having regular contact with those who suffer from the disorder. However, a groundbreaking…