Tag: behavior modification

  • 5 Reasons Every Child Needs Positive Feedback

    5 Reasons Every Child Needs Positive Feedback

    Parents often expect too much and forget that their child is still growing and developing. Have you ever got angry with your kid because they made a foolish mistake or were in a bad mood? Yet, even as a grown-up, you still do the same things. Your job is to mold these little ones into…

  • This ONE Habit Creates Better Behaved Children

    This ONE Habit Creates Better Behaved Children

    Raising children in today’s hectic society comes with a lot more challenges than it did just 20 or 30 years ago. Indeed, we now have more demanding jobs. Our phones distract us continuously. And, we lead busier lives in general. Somewhere in the mix, parents have to rear their children, and disciplining them is a…

  • 8 Behaviors Mentally Strong People Avoid

    8 Behaviors Mentally Strong People Avoid

    There are people out there that exhibit behavior that sucks the energy and life out of us with their excessive negativity, gossip, and selfishness. Relationships should serve both parties equally, and when it doesn’t, it might be time to reevaluate the need for that particular relationship in your life. Here are 8 toxic behaviors mentally…

  • 7 Ways to Deal with Toxic Attitudes

    7 Ways to Deal with Toxic Attitudes

    Dealing with difficult attitudes from others is a sure path to patience, compassion and kindness… The seemingly abundant challenges in the world today breed a lot of angry, self-serving, negative attitudes (unfortunately). Some choose to use the obstacles they face as opportunities to grow and learn, but many take a different route and inflict their…