Tag: being authentic

  • 7 Habits That Reveal Authentic People

    7 Habits That Reveal Authentic People

    “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Just to make this clear from the get-go, this article is not intended to label ourselves as “real” or “fake.” If we’re honest, we should have no problem acknowledging the fact that…

  • How To Tell If Someone Is Being Authentic

    How To Tell If Someone Is Being Authentic

    It’s probably accurate to state the majority of us value the quality of authenticity in people. It’s also accurate to state the majority of us disapprove of people who obscure their true nature by putting up a façade. How do we tell the difference? Who determines if a person is “authentic” or, well, “fake?” We’ll…