Tag: benefits of dogs

  • Psychologists Explain Why We Love Dogs So Much

    Psychologists Explain Why We Love Dogs So Much

    Here’s why our canine companions melt our hearts. Dogs are not just pets to many around the world. Instead, they are family members, confidants, and sources of unconditional love. This profound connection between humans and canines transcends cultures and history, hinting at a deeper psychological tapestry that binds our species together. But what about these…

  • 15 Ways Pets Increase Mental Health

    15 Ways Pets Increase Mental Health

    You probably love the tail-wagging greeting your dog gives you when you arrive home. Sloppy licks and wiggles are normal ways dogs express how happy they are to see you. Cats are no different. Your kitty may give you a friendly head bump or tap you on the legs with their paws to show their…