Tag: blood vessels

  • 17 Reasons for Skin Bruising Never to Ignore

    17 Reasons for Skin Bruising Never to Ignore

    There are many reasons for skin bruising. Falls, bumping into things, or other minor injuries are usually the cause. Most of the time, bruises are harmless, but they can signify that you have a health problem. If you notice bruising on your skin for no reason or change how often you’re bruising, don’t ignore it.…

  • This New Technology Can Completely Clean Arteries

    This New Technology Can Completely Clean Arteries

    Atherosclerosis is a dangerous condition resulting from plaque deposits inside your arteries’ walls. This plaque buildup prevents delivering oxygen-rich blood to the heart, brain, and other vital body areas, potentially resulting in heart attack, stroke, or even death. In advanced stages, atherosclerosis can be very difficult to treat. Before, the hardened plaque was nearly impossible…