Tag: breast cancer in men

  • 10 Silent Symptoms of Breast Cancer to Never Ignore

    10 Silent Symptoms of Breast Cancer to Never Ignore

    Here’s how early detection of breast cancer saves lives! Breast cancer. Those two words carry a weight of concern and awareness. Understanding the nuances and symptoms of this common yet complex disease is crucial. Breast cancer is, indeed, a formidable adversary in women’s health. It impacts about 2.3 million adults globally, warns the World Health Organization. However,…

  • 8 Signs of Breast Cancer In Men

    8 Signs of Breast Cancer In Men

    Breast cancer in men is very rare, with only one chance in one thousand (1/1000) of diagnosis. Even so, breast cancer in men is just as serious as that which women experience. The American Cancer Society estimates that around 2,500 new cases of breast cancer in men are reported every year, claiming the lives of…