Tag: calming the mind

  • 8 Signs Someone Has Eco-Anxiety

    8 Signs Someone Has Eco-Anxiety

    You’re familiar with anxiety disorders, but have you heard of eco-anxiety? It’s a relatively new type of anxiety, first coined in 2017. Indeed, it’s a novel term that the American Psychiatric Association has not yet added to the DSM-5. However, due to the overwhelming amount of folks who live in chronic fear of doom in…

  • 17 Soothing Quotes to Stop Negative Thoughts Immediately

    17 Soothing Quotes to Stop Negative Thoughts Immediately

    When negative thoughts keep on running through your head, they can take a toll on your well-being. You’ll experience a lack of self-worth, hindering your progress when working toward your goals. Many soothing quotes can help you stop negative thoughts immediately and refocus on the good in your life. These soothing quotes will encourage you…