Tag: characteristics of gifted children

  • 12 Signs You’re Raising a Gifted Child

    12 Signs You’re Raising a Gifted Child

    These twelve things reveal most gifted children. Raising a child is an adventure filled with surprises and discoveries. One of those surprises might be realizing that you have a gifted child on your hands. Gifted children exhibit various characteristics that set them apart from their peers.  These traits can be intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership-oriented.…

  • 10 Signs of Gifted Children That Every Parent Should Know

    10 Signs of Gifted Children That Every Parent Should Know

    All parents consider their children to be pretty darn special. Part of being a parent is watching your child grow and learn. Many of those moments can make us extraordinarily proud. There is no doubt that your child has shown signs of intelligence. However, not all kids are gifted children. Being gifted refers to a…

  • 10 Traits of A Gifted Child

    10 Traits of A Gifted Child

    “Early testing and identification can be a controversial subject, but many advocates of gifted children believe that they should be identified as soon as possible so that their unique needs and talents can be acknowledged and nurtured right from the start..” – David Palmer, Ph.D., “Is Your Child Gifted? What to Look for and Why…