Tag: childhood trauma

  • Psychologists Explain 8 Causes of Grandiose Delusions

    Psychologists Explain 8 Causes of Grandiose Delusions

    Grandiose delusions, or delusions of grandeur, are a type of delusion involving an unrealistic conviction in one’s abilities or powers. Certain neurological factors, genetics, substance abuse, psychiatric disorders, trauma, stress, and cognitive biases can cause this disorder. People with this delusion may experience grandiosity. That means they believe they have special abilities, are destined to…

  • 4 Ways Past Trauma Hurts Relationships

    4 Ways Past Trauma Hurts Relationships

    Past trauma can impact every facet of life, including relationships with loved ones and colleagues. When you’ve faced distressing situations in the past, it can affect your thoughts and feelings in current relationships. If you don’t heal from the mental and emotional damage, you may find it challenging to connect deeply with others. Trauma can…

  • Counselors Explain How to Heal Early Trauma

    Counselors Explain How to Heal Early Trauma

    Early trauma is a pervasive problem affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Traumatic childhood experiences of neglect, abuse, violence, or losing a loved one can leave deep emotional wounds. These wounds often persist into adulthood. Early trauma can significantly impact a person’s development and affect their relationships, emotions, and behavior. It can lead to various mental…

  • Psychology Explains Explain How Trauma Therapy Can Improve Mental Health

    Psychology Explains Explain How Trauma Therapy Can Improve Mental Health

    There’s a reason trauma therapy exists today. There are many reasons why people may struggle with mental health issues. Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to certain mental health conditions. Others may develop mental health issues due to traumatic experiences, chronic stress, or other life events. And here is where trauma therapy can come…

  • Science Explains How a Traumatic Childhood Causes Premature Aging 

    Science Explains How a Traumatic Childhood Causes Premature Aging 

    A traumatic childhood negatively impacts the mind, body, and soul, sometimes in irreversible ways. Scientists have shown that repeated adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can cause profound changes in brain chemistry. They’ve also discovered that abusing or neglecting children also affects physical health. That’s because too many negative occurrences lead to a rise in cortisol levels. When…

  • 3 Things That Cause Chronic Fear

    3 Things That Cause Chronic Fear

    Fear naturally occurs as a response to an immediate or perceived environmental threat. When we feel anxious or in danger, our bodies release massive amounts of adrenaline, which triggers the fight-or-flight response. Anxiety, a survival instinct, prompts us to take action during periods of acute stress. However, when it becomes chronic, it puts our bodies…