Tag: compassion

  • 10 Kind Behaviors to Share Empathy

    10 Kind Behaviors to Share Empathy

    Some people will perform kind actions, including anything that makes someone else’s life easier, sometimes at the expense of the giver. For example, kind, charitable people often help others even when they won’t receive a benefit or reward. They offer whatever they can, whether money, time, or compassion, without expecting or desiring anything in return.…

  • 5 Differences Between Puppy Love and Mature Love

    5 Differences Between Puppy Love and Mature Love

    Understanding the differences between puppy love and mature love can help individuals navigate their romantic relationships with clarity and maturity. Puppy love is often the first stage and involves infatuation that occurs based on attractiveness. It is often what happens when people think they fell in love at first sight. Everything tends to be exciting…

  • 15 Signs of a Strong Man

    15 Signs of a Strong Man

    What makes a strong man exceptional and a pillar of strength amongst others? He knows what he wants from life and won’t stop until he gets it. He sets goals and achieves them without hesitation. While most people think of strength as how much a man can bench at the gym, having mental power is…

  • Psychologist Reveals the Power of Reaching Out to Others 

    Psychologist Reveals the Power of Reaching Out to Others 

    We often don’t realize the importance of reaching out to the people in our lives. Many people feel lonely and isolated in our busy world and long to connect with others in their free time. Unfortunately, connecting with people usually becomes secondary to other pressing matters, such as careers and family life. We need to…

  • 18 Affirmations to Increase Self-Compassion

    18 Affirmations to Increase Self-Compassion

    Self-compassion means accepting and understanding yourself as you are right now. While the push for productivity and self-discipline makes failing seem unacceptable, it’s part of growth. When things get hard, being compassionate to yourself will help you remember to put yourself first and accept hardship. Self-compassion requires learning to love yourself in hard times and…

  • 11 Ways to Build Empathy in Children

    11 Ways to Build Empathy in Children

    Empathy is an awareness of the emotions and feelings of others. It’s having compassion for others as if you were going through what they’re experiencing. You’re not born empathetic. Instead, this compassion is something you need to learn. Likewise, you can teach empathy to your children.  Eleven Ways to Teach Children About Empathy Here are…