Tag: dealing with anxiety

  • 11 Ways to Support Someone With Anxiety

    11 Ways to Support Someone With Anxiety

    It’s normal for us to feel on edge from time to time. The demands that are placed on us – from our work, families, finances, etc. – can sometimes feel overwhelming. For people with chronic anxiety, a persistent unease is a day-long event. The tendency of anxiety-ridden people to mask their illness for fear of…

  • Eating This ONE Food Can Help Calm Anxiety

    Eating This ONE Food Can Help Calm Anxiety

    According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, approximately 40 million Americans suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. And worldwide, anxiety afflicts 1 in 13 people, according to the Global Burden of Disease study. The numbers only seem to be growing. Moreover, people want to find alternative remedies rather than relying on pharmaceutical…