Tag: dealing with difficult people

  • Counselors Explain How to Deal With Difficult Co-workers

    Counselors Explain How to Deal With Difficult Co-workers

    We all encounter difficult people and co-workers daily, which can sometimes feel frustrating. It’s tempting to fly off the handle at toxic people since they often don’t realize how their energy impacts others. However, getting angry or passive-aggressive at narcissists is like pouring gasoline on a fire and expecting it to die down. You only…

  • 31 Habits That Help You Be Kind to Unkind People

    31 Habits That Help You Be Kind to Unkind People

    Life is chaotic, even on a good day. Unfortunately, all the excessive noise can keep you away from the things that matter most. Still, every day provides the opportunity to be kind to others, yet many folks let the chance pass them by. When you become intentional about bringing happiness to others, it will only…

  • 5 Techniques To Deal With Difficult People

    5 Techniques To Deal With Difficult People

    Are you in a situation where you need to deal with difficult people? It could be your co-workers or neighbors, or maybe even some of your family members. There are probably a multitude of reasons why these individuals are so complicated. You can’t control how they treat you, but you can control how you react…

  • 5 Signs You’re Dealing With A Difficult Person

    5 Signs You’re Dealing With A Difficult Person

    People learn behaviors by observing through stimulus and response. They then act accordingly through positive or negative reinforcements. But, how do you deal with a problematic personality when you try to deviate from their attitude, and it still backfires? Difficult people have a way of bringing out the worst in others. Their negativity and behavior…

  • 7 Ways to Deal with Toxic Attitudes

    7 Ways to Deal with Toxic Attitudes

    Dealing with difficult attitudes from others is a sure path to patience, compassion and kindness… The seemingly abundant challenges in the world today breed a lot of angry, self-serving, negative attitudes (unfortunately). Some choose to use the obstacles they face as opportunities to grow and learn, but many take a different route and inflict their…